Articles for tag: Does it Work, Hangover Remedy, Turkey Hill

Karla News

Benefits and Uses of Medicinal Plants

Herbs and plants make up a large portion of the ingredients used by people throughout the ages to help combat disease and illness. Many of these medicinal plants are still used today all around the world. Take a peek at some of the different types of plants which are said to be useful for a ...

Nine Herbs to Cure Your Hangover

After a night of New Year’s revelries, a cruise ship vacation, or just another long, long night on the town, the hangover is sure to be your faithful companion for the days ahead. Hangovers can cause headaches, upset stomachs, and weakness—all the symptoms of dehydration and malnourishment—and don’t leave you in the most agreeable state. ...

Karla News

Improve Digestive Health with These Kitchen Remedies

Tummy trouble plagues us all from time to time, and in our house, with two teens and a 6-year-old, we have experienced our share of heartburn, gas, digestive cramping, bloating and other digestive issues as well as stomach bugs and flus. An upset gastrointestinal tract can have a negative impact on our mental health, our ...