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Nine Herbs to Cure Your Hangover

Evening Primrose Oil, Hangover Remedies, Hangover Remedy

After a night of New Year’s revelries, a cruise ship vacation, or just another long, long night on the town, the hangover is sure to be your faithful companion for the days ahead. Hangovers can cause headaches, upset stomachs, and weakness—all the symptoms of dehydration and malnourishment—and don’t leave you in the most agreeable state. While there are many old wives’ tales and tips for managing a hangover, complementary medicine offers a few gifts from nature. Here are just nine herbs that can help you cure your hangover and tough it out on those really brutal days:

1. Hangover Herb: Evening Primrose Oil
Evening primrose oil has long been used as a natural hangover remedy since it can help reduce stomach and liver discomfort. Since the liver is working overtime during the hangover period, this herb can help make the process that much more efficient.

2. Hangover Herb: Peppermint
Peppermint is a natural stomach soother, and can be taken as a tea to calm those nerves and improve digestion. You digestive system can slow down after a night of drinking, so you can keep things in balance with a little herbal help.

3. Hangover Herb: Willow Bark
It’s also known as ‘nature’s aspirin,’ and can be mixed with cold water as a bitter tonic. Willow bark tinctures are available ready-made at many health food stores.

4. Hangover Herb: Magnesium
Some doctors believe that hangover symptoms are a result of low magnesium levels. The mineral can keep your heart healthy, and keeps your nerve and muscle cells in good shape. Magnesium depletion can be the reason behind excessive fatigue, lethargy , and your loss of appetite.

See also  Nature's Bounty Evening Primrose Oil: Mother Nature's Relief for PMS

5. Hangover Herb: Fennel
Throw a few fennel seeds into a hot cup of tea for improved liver function. Fennel is a restorative herb, and can help bring your liver back into working order.

6. Hangover Herb: Centaury
Centaury leaf can be used in a hot tea to calm the nerves naturally and eliminate stomach troubles. It is especially helpful for managing nauseau or an upset stomach.

7. Hangover Herb: Ginger
Ginger tea or capsules are instant stomach soothers; ginger biscuits (crunchy cookies) are a popular snack in England, especially aftera night at the pubs. If you prefer the real deal, just suck on some ginger root for relief from an upset stomach or nausea

8. Hangover Herb: Thyme
Brew up some tea with thyme leaves and enjoy it with a drop of honey. Thyme helps soothe tense and tired muscles, and can help with any stomach troubles to

9. Hangover herb: Carrot

Wild carrot is a natural detoxifiying agent, and can help cleanse that overworked liver. Since it’s also a diuretic, you’ll need to keep up with a fresh supply of water as you go about your day.

B-vitamin supplements are also helpful for your hangover since they can reduce alcohol cravings and provide a boost of energy. Vitamins in general can help the body detoxify naturally, reducing the effects of alcohol that still lingers in your system after the bash. Enjoy your own mix of any of these herbs, get some quality sleep, and drink as much water as possible to flush the toxins out of your system and get you into good spirits–(non-alcoholic) of course.