Articles for tag: Blow Dry, Hair Wax, Tousled Hair, Volumizing Shampoo, Wavy Hair

Karla News

The Top Five Tousled Hairstyles

Tousled hair styles are in this summer. It’s spreading around Hollywood like wildfire. If you are looking for a great look this summer, and want to look like a star, try these top five tousled hair styles. The secrets behind them all is where you part your hair, shaping and weighing it. The Wavy Tousle ...

Karla News

Everyday Beauty Tricks for Short Hairstyles

Who wears short hair? You do! Wear it well. When you have short hair, you can still change it up now and then. If you need some tricks or need to break a boredom streak, try something new. Everyday Beauty Tricks for Short Hairstyles Parting Ways One fun way to jazz up short hair is ...

Karla News

How to Curl Super Straight Hair

I have thick wavy hair naturally, so curling my hair does not require much attention. Some hair gel, some scrunching, and voila, I have thick bouncy curls. My sister on the other hand has natural pin straight hair, that is also very thin. Using a curling iron on hair like hers will work, but the ...

Karla News

Emo Haircuts: The New Mullets?

“And it doesn’t help that I couldn’t get my hair to do that flippy thing either, like that guy from that band can do…” ~ from “The Emo Song,” by Adam and Andrew Emo haircuts are one of the latest fads of the 2000’s. While all the rage amongst the teenage set, many argue that ...

Karla News

A Guide to Traditional Geisha Makeup

People stare in awe at the porcelain faced geisha girls of Japan, admire how they move and applaud their impeccable manners and ladylike skills that make them the dream of any Japanese man. What people don’t often realize, is that geisha have been around for centuries upon centuries, and are bred and taught at extensive ...

Karla News

How to Get Jennifer Garner’s Hairstyle

Jennifer Garner, star of the recent film Ghosts of Girlfriends Past, is one of the most beautiful women alive. Aside from a spectacular figure and Hollywood glamour, Jennifer is blessed with the most luxurious hair a girl could want. Whether she is working on film, walking the red carpet or enjoying family time, Jennifer’s hair ...

Karla News

How to Prevent Frizzy Hair

Preventing frizzy hair sounds like a hard task, but it is actually pretty easy to do. There are a variety of methods for preventing frizz, including using deep-conditioning hair masks, applying good hair-styling products and staying away from hot styling tools. When I want to prevent frizzy hair, I use a good hair mask, but ...