Articles for tag: Cerebellum, Frontal Lobe

Karla News

The Brain and Its Functions

The brain that you have controls your whole body. It’s like the leader of an army, giving out orders for the rest of the crew to follow to function as a whole. There are three parts to the brain and they are the cerebrum the cerebellum and the brain stem. I would like to give ...

What Part of the Brain Controls Emotions

Life has become stressful for many of us in this competitive world. As life changes, we learn to control emotions and change them according to different situations. How many of us know that brain is the reason for inducing emotions depending on the situation? We will be able to control these emotions only if our ...

What is Astrocytoma?

Astrocytoma is a type of malignant brain tumor. Specifically, Astrocytoma is cancer of the astrocytes, which are star-shaped cells which are a type of glial cell. Glial cells are cells that support and protect the neurons in the brain. Cancer of these supportive cells are called gliomas, thus, Astrocytoma is a type of glioma. An ...

Karla News

What is Capgras Delusion?

Imagine a family member no longer recognized you as the person you are. Now imagine that family member believes you are a stand-in or an imposter of the real you. An individual who misidentifies a family member or friend may have Capgras delusion. This mental disorder gets its name from the psychiatrist, Joseph Capgras, who ...

A Quick Overview of the Nervous System

The nervous system’s main function in the human body is to gather information from the outside world and reacts to it. It’s main parts include the brain, spinal cord, and all of the nerves in the body. The brain is the most important part of the nervous system. The main parts of the brain are ...

Karla News

Defining Epilepsy

Defining epilepsy isn’t easy as epilepsy comes in all kinds of different configurations. Epilepsy is a seizure disorder that involves a pattern of at least two seizures whose cause is unrelated to a known medical condition. The word epilepsy is a broad term for a vast variety of different types of seizures. When I first ...

Karla News

What is Broca’s Speech?

Do you know someone who’s had a stroke and has problems forming words or complete sentences? This type of speech problem is known by the medical term of aphasia. Aphasia occurs when a portion of the brain associated with speech is damaged or destroyed. Damage to these areas can come not only from strokes, but ...