Articles for tag: Food Dyes, Food Preservatives

Karla News

Foods People With Autoimmune Disease Shouldn’t Eat

If you’re living with an autoimmune disease such as fibromyalgia, lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura or the like, it’s important to understand one very crucial thing: For you to get your symptoms under control, you must eat a healthy, nutritious diet. Most, if not all, disease begins in the gut. Learn about foods ...

Karla News

9 Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy Naturally

Most often, people forget that vital part of their body which helps in food digestion, energy storage, and cleansing: The Liver. This organ stores vitamins, minerals, and sugar that fuels your body, helping it get rid of poisons as well. If your liver fails to make all these helpful enzymes that control virtually all the ...

Karla News

The Migraine-Stroke Connection

The Migraine-Stroke Connection Migraines. Millions suffer from them and yet they remain one of the least understood, misdiagnosed and mistreated neurological disorder. Typically the migraine, though regarded by non-sufferers as “just another headache” can cause excruciating one-sided headaches, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and/or noise and visual disturbances. And consider this, an estimated five to ...

Karla News

Migraine Triggers for Teens

Migraines are headaches that are accompanied by severe pounding, often nausea and sensitivity to different stimuli, like bright lights and strong smells. These headaches often last for days at a time. Migraines can affect people of all ages, including children and teens. Some people can sense when a migraine is imminent because they see hazy ...

Types of Food Additives and Their Side Effects

Our present lives would not exactly be called modern or advanced if we did not have Food Additives. How else would we have access to food produced in places thousands of miles away from where we live? How would we be able to keep those high-paying but time-consuming jobs without ready-to-eat meals? Food additives such ...