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9 Ways to Keep Your Liver Healthy Naturally

Food Preservatives, Natural Detox

Most often, people forget that vital part of their body which helps in food digestion, energy storage, and cleansing: The Liver. This organ stores vitamins, minerals, and sugar that fuels your body, helping it get rid of poisons as well. If your liver fails to make all these helpful enzymes that control virtually all the activity of your body, it’s like putting your body on a shutdown mode. Sadly, our modern lifestyle can put a lot of stress on your liver, plus the negative effects of alcohol, cigarette, free radicals, food preservatives, pesticides, cosmetics, household products, home improvement materials, chemicals, and even your oral contraceptive pills.

How to Care for Your Liver Naturally

The last thing you want is to have hepatitis – from types A to C. This virus makes your body attack its own tissues, doing damage to your liver. Some hepatitis can even last a lifetime. You can help your liver fight off this disease through preventive measures like:

1. Avoiding Alcohol or Caffeine

Overall, don’t drink or take anything that you are intolerant to. These can have adverse effect to your stomach and liver. Chew your food well to aid in the digestion process.

2. Hydrate

Drink plenty of waters a day. At least 2.5 liters is considered ideal. If you can, cut down on stimulants like tea. Nothing beats pure water in cleansing you from within.

3. Love Antioxidants

Eat foods that are rich in natural detox substances like cabbage, broccoli, kale, Brussel sprouts, and soy bean products. These are rich in vitamins C, E, B, zinc, and magnesium. Antioxidants stop free radicals from damaging your tissue.

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4. Love Herbs

In tea or tablet form, try taking Echinacea, milk thistle or dandelion root. These are great blood cleansers, as well as skin tonics.

5. Avoid Antibiotics or Antacids

If possible, try to take these when it’s really necessary. Antibiotics destroy good bacteria that helps your gut eliminate toxins. Antacids reduce your body’s natural acid that helps in proper digestion.

6. Take Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal absorbs any molecule it binds to, including toxins. You can take this twice a week, just don’t take it with food or medicines.

7. Do Light Exercises

You need to increase your body’s lymph activity with gentle exercises. When you sweat, you also help your body produce urine. This will encourage the liver to get rid of toxins or waste products from your body as well. Don’t do strenuous exercises. You can even do deep breathing exercises to pump more oxygen to your blood, which helps remove toxins like carbon dioxide. This then speeds up your blood circulation.

8. Watch Your Portions

Watch your food and avoid too much salt or sugar. You may use fresh herbs like pepper, chillies, or lemon to enhance the flavor of your food. Too much sugar is also unhealthy. Look for sugar substitute like honey or agave.

9. Be Well

Your wellness matters most so have a real good laugh and rest. Depression can really wear down your body so always keep a positive vibe. If you can’t have quality sleep at nights, try listening to binaural beats at bedtime.

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See your doctor if you experience a sudden loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, dark-colored urine, stomach pain especially on the right side, jaundice or yellowing of the skin and eyes. To rule out hepatitis in its early stage means early prevention as well. Take Care of Your Liver!