Articles for tag: CFIDS, CFS, Fibro Fog, Hormonal Imbalances, Sleep Disturbances

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Weight Gain

There are circumstances that can cause people to gain weight that are beyond their control. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia patients find once they become ill they start gaining weight. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is a disabling illness that causes profound exhaustion, muscle pain, sleep disturbances, cognitive difficulties and hormonal deficiencies and imbalances. Fibromyalgia is a ...

Karla News

Grappling with Fibromyalgia Brain Fog

Isolated episodes of memory loss, especially if you have Fibromyalgia, are likely not symptoms of early onset Alzheimer’s. Instead, you may be grappling with Fibromyalgia Brain Fog AKA Fibro Fog. Consider me your living example of someone, who after 40 years of living with Fibromyalgia, grapples very well. Try on these questions. If you stand ...

Karla News

Fibromyalgia: Common Symptoms and Diagnosis

What is fibromyalgia? Wikipedia defines fibromyalgia as a medically unexplained syndrome characterized by chronic widespread pain. It has also been defined by rheumatologists as a common rheumatic syndrome indicating widespread pain in fibrous tissues, muscles, and tendons, resulting in painful muscles without any weakness. Not all people experience all associated symptoms. Persons with fibromyalgia state ...

Karla News

Fibromyalgia: Reduce Pain, Increase Energy, Without Drugs!

Fibromyalgia, a disorder characterized by intense, unrelenting body pain and crushing fatigue, affects an estimated one in five people worldwide. Nine times more women than men are diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. Not only do Fibromyalgia sufferers contend with pain and fatigue, other symptoms can include muscle weakness, hypersensitivity to light touch (called allodynia), “pins and needles” ...