Articles for tag: Excessive Perspiration, Heat Exhaustion Symptoms, Heat Stroke

Ways to Prevent Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion

For about two days, California was recently troubled with very high temperatures. We are only on the second week of May, but we reached a scorching 90F already. Would an extremely hot summer be torturing us pretty soon? Hot summer days are inevitable. People would sometimes feel very weak and sick because of exposure to ...

Karla News

Deodorant to Stop Underarm Wetness

Many antiperspirant deodorant products claim to stop wetness, but as you’ve probably discovered, they don’t all work as promised. Although product labeling and advertising promises to stop wetness, many antiperspirant deodorant products only really work to stop odor. Armpits and clothing become soaked with excess wetness, and even though offensive odors are effectively prevented, the ...

Karla News

Homemade Foot Soaks

Think how hard your feet work for you. Feet support your weight and carry you from one destination to another. At times, they endure ill-fitting shoes, hard surfaces, and rank lowest on our “body care totem pole”. However, with minimal effort and cost, you can create a homemade foot soak for your feet which gives ...

Dangerous Treatments for Curing Yeast Infection

The intended purpose of this very short article is to enlighten you about some of the possible dangers, relating to some of the cures and treatments on the market today, regarding yeast infection. Always, consult with your personal doctor. Or as is properly stated, your health care professional. Ok, I am a farmer, and I ...

How to Control Excessively Sweaty Palms

Have you ever been afraid to shake someone’s hand? Do you clasp your hands behind your back to hide your sweaty palms? Excessively sweaty palms are no laughing matter. It can be particularly embarrassing if you’re scheduled for a job interview and know you’ll be obligated to shake someone’s hand. Is it possible to control ...

Karla News

Health Benefits of Perspiration

Sweat is a natural function of the human body that allows our system to cool itself off with a unique process. All humans are born with about 2-4 million sweat glands, but most of them are not very active until we approach puberty. Not all mammals have sweat glands, so they are something fairly unique ...