Articles for tag: Ambrose Bierce, Erich Fromm, Euripides, Maternal Instinct

Karla News

Food for Your Soul: Inspirational Quotes About Mothers

Mothering is one of the most important jobs there are. There is no bigger influence on a child’s life, mind, and heart than his mother. Mothers are selfless people who always put their children first. Their maternal instinct is strong, and they would fight to the death to protect their children. Mothers make so many ...

Karla News

5 Best and Worst Cryptic Quotes

As a child, my friend JC and I played a short-lived game. We created “Secret Codes” challenging each other to decipher what our notes said by cracking the code. As a teen I enjoyed solving the daily paper’s Cryptoquotes, but not for long. I was still trying to determine what the cryptic code was. Had ...

Karla News

10 Mother’s Day Quotes that Warm the Heart

For me, the word “mother” is synonymous with love. It is indeed from my mother’s example that I learned what it truly means to have unconditional love for another human being. There for every major milestone and setback that I have ever experienced, my mother has been my coach, teammate and cheerleader in the game ...

Karla News

Mother’s Day Card Sayings

Sometimes, we struggle to find the right words to express our love and appreciation to the most important woman of our life: our ever-sacrificing and understanding mother. On Mother’s Day, draw inspiration from these old sayings that revolve around the dedication of mothers. These quotations never grow old, mainly because they can’t be any truer. ...

Karla News

21 Quotes on Art and Creativity

Why 21 Quotes? There are 21 quotes, for 21 days, the number of days it takes to create or break a habit. Do you want to motivate yourself to write, create or get healthy and loose weight? Do you want more peace, love, happiness, creativity, justice, or courage in our lives and world, we must ...