Articles for tag: Cortisone, Dying Hair, Pantothenic Acid, Vitiligo

Karla News

Vitamins that Change Hair from Gray to Fabulous

Vitamins for hair; I’ve tried a lot of them hoping to get thicker, faster growing, shiny-soft glamorous hair. Some seemed to help, but wound up giving me faster growing nails. I never thought about vitamins or vitamin combinations that could let you say goodbye to gray hair. Dying hair does a lot of damage that ...

Karla News

Can Hair Dye Really Cause Cancer?

A great many women and men use hair color to cover gray hair or to spice up their life by switching to a different hair color. We’re all aware of the risks of using harmful chemicals to dye our hair, such as skin irritation, allergies and hair breakage, but could coloring your hair actually cause ...

Karla News

Hair Color 101 – Dying the Right Way

There are more women that color treat their hair than don’t, so that puts us in the majority. That also puts us in the group which makes the most mistakes with our (color treated) hair. These simple tips can help you change hair color or color the gray and keep the hair color truer for ...

Karla News

How to Dye Your Hair: All the Steps

You want to dye your hair brown. You drive to the nearest drug store like CVS, Target or even Walgreens. You buy the brown hair dye that comes in a box with ready to go instructions. You go home, read the instructions, mix the ingredients in a bottle and apply dye to hair. You wait ...

Karla News

How to Choose the Right Hair Color

Many people don’t realize that there is quite a bit of science involved with hair color. For instance, some hair dyes only lift color, while others will only deposit the dye. Some types of hair colors last long after the next coloring, while others will wash out after six to eight shampoos. When it comes ...

Karla News

How to Lighten a Dark Hair Dye Job

In a recent attempt to match my natural hair color, I dyed my hair dark brown. My hair was a lot lighter than the lightest color on the box before I dyed it, but it came out much darker than the darkest color on the box was supposed to come out. In the end, my ...

Karla News

How to Dye Your Hair at Home

Finding ways to save money is important to everyone these days. We are all looking for ways to cut our frivolous spending. Many women choose to save money by skipping on their trips to the salon. This may work in the short term, but in the end, it will cause you to look worn out. ...

Karla News

What Hair Loss Products Actually Work?

After combing through hundreds of pages of hair loss forums and drug treatments studies, I’ve learned a thing or two about the state of hair loss products. Let me say right here that I have no financial stake in any of these companies or products, and as you can see, I don’t have any affiliate ...

Karla News

How to Dye Your Own Highlights

Highlights can look great, but up-keeping them can be expensive. If you’re trying to save some money, but still want to look good, then you can dye your own highlights yourself at home rather than paying to go into a salon. First of all, pick what kind of highlights you want. Some people like a ...

Karla News

Create Your Own Rosemary Hair Oil

Rosemary is an herb with a reputation of helping people obtain and maintain healthy hair. It is said to help with the hair’s growth and thickness. It is also said to darken hair and cover grey for those of us with dark hair. I tend to use rosemary in conjunction with mint and lemongrass, but ...