Articles for tag: Behavior Issues, Dog Behavior, Dog Urine

Karla News

Why Does My Dog Urinate on My Bed?

Some dog owners report the problem of a pet urinating on their bed. When an animal urinates in an inappropriate location it could mean many things, or a combination of things. It could be the result of a physical problem, an emotional matter or it could stem from dog behavior issues. You must determine why ...

Karla News

Rehab of an Abused and Neglected Dog: Behavior Can Be Changed

Recently a shy mama dog and her even more shy litter of five pups were turned loose. There was food left for them at the back door of the home but they lacked something else. One puppy’s lack of boundaries and training cost him his life when he was hit by a car crossing the ...

Karla News

A Guide to Curbing Your Dog’s Jealousy

My family and I have had our Maltese, Buddy, for almost ten years now. He really is a great dog, but sometimes he can get just a wee bit jealous. For instance, one of our family friends will come over with her baby and when I pay a lot of attention to the baby and ...

Karla News

10 Tips for Teaching Dogs to Behave with Ringing Doorbells

“Ding-dong!” What happens when the doorbell rings in a home with a dog? In our experience, all too often, a ringing doorbell used to set off a chaotic display of canine barking. Our Golden Retriever would holler wholeheartedly at the sound. Our Lhasa Apso used to even make a puddle on the floor in his ...

Karla News

Reading the Body Language of an Unfamiliar Dog

Every now and then, I run across a loose dog in my neighborhood while walking my dogs. You never know if an unfamiliar dog is lost, a stray or one that lives in the area and is allowed to roam on his own by his owners. Why a dog is loose doesn’t matter, how you ...

Karla News

Small Dog Breeds and Small Dog Syndrome

Small dogs are just so darn cute, you can’t help swooping them up in your arms and hugging them. Because of their small size, little dogs can get away with a lot more mischief than a larger dog is allowed to do and that puts small dogs at risk of becoming whining and hard to ...

Karla News

Understanding Dog Behavior Can Help Prevent Dog Bites from Happening

  There are many reasons why a dog would bite someone. It is not always because the dog is aggressive. Many people do not understand dogs and their behavior and this does contribute to some dog bites. Understanding dog behavior and knowing what causes them to bite can help protect you from being bitten. One ...

Karla News

Reasons for Bad Dog Behavior

Why do people blame themselves for bad dog behavior? I hate the word blame! Dogs respond to their environment. Dog owners are a part of that environment. Whatever dog owners do in the home will affect the dog’s behavior. Owners define what bad dog behavior is. Dog owners are the catalyst of bad dog behavior ...

Karla News

How to Help Kids Overcome Fear of Dogs

Most children are drawn to puppies. They are so precious, tame, and accept lots of love. Even the most adorable of puppies can send kids on the run when it is overly playful or aggressive. Kids are also often afraid of large dogs, which may be gentle, but are intimidating just because of their size. ...

Karla News

Female Alpha Dog Behavior? You Betcha’

I have a friend who says she’ll only go out with one other woman at a time –Dyads–she calls them. Why? She says when women are together in groups of 3 or 4, there’s a noticeable jockeying for power akin to the alpha dog tactics in animal groups. She doesn’t trust them, for she says: ...