Articles for tag: Diverticulitis, Fiber Supplements, Metamucil, Psyllium Husk, Soluble Fiber

Top 10 Benefits of Taking a Fiber Supplement

Many Americans count things in their diet. It may be calories, fat grams or carbohydrates, for example, but not many are aware of how many grams of fiber they are consuming per day. A balanced, healthy diet can supply daily fiber requirements, but for many Americans it is beneficial to supplement with a product such ...

Living with Diverticulitis

I recently was diagnosed with “Diverticulitis”. I have never even heard of it before. Suddenly, people I knew said they had it. I was in a lot of pain for a while. I can handle pain well so I didn’t react as fast as I should of. I ended up in Urgent Care and then ...

Signs and Symptoms of Diverticulitis

Your large intestine is a vital organ involved in your digestive system. It has a complex structure which is specifically adapted to be efficient at absorption of water and other nutrients. Lining the entire large intestine is a layer of smooth muscle. This muscle functions to aid in the movement of food as it is ...

Karla News

The Secret Life of an Adult Picky Eater

My mom tells me there is a time in my life when I ate fruits and vegetables like normal people do. Somewhere around the age of three, I developed a mental block that I am still trying to undo to this day. Not only were fruits and vegetables forever banished from my palate, but many ...

Karla News

Symptoms and Natural Treatment of Diverticulitis

***Disclamer: Always consult a medical professional before taking on any new diet, exercise, or taking any medications; natural or otherwise. You assume any risk, and full responsibility for any adverse side affects that may occur should you choose to follow the recommendations in this article; and agree to not hold the Author, Publisher, or any ...

Living with and Managing Diverticulosis

Diverticulosis runs in my husbands family. His sister had two feet of her colon removed a few years ago, and my husband suffers from this disease as well. Here are the lifestyle changes that made a difference for our family. What Is It? What is diverticular disease? I had never heard of it until a ...