Articles for tag: Crucifix, Gifts for Adults, Rites of Passage

Karla News

Appropriate Baptism Gifts for All Ages

Baptisms Gifts are available for people of all ages. Considering Baptism is one of the rites of passage in life that never go unforgotten, presenting someone with an appropriate Baptism gift is a considerate thing to do. Do your part in helping that speical someone celebrate their special day by presenting them with an appropriate ...

Karla News

How to Pray the Rosary

The Rosary are a string of beads that are tied together and meant for use in prayer and meditation to honor our Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God on the divine virtues of faith, hope, love and charity. The word rosary is a Latin word that means a garland of roses and the rose is ...

Karla News

How to Make a 5 Decade Rosary Using Real Rose Petals

Items for making the rosary: You will need at least 1/2 cup of very finely chopped or ground rose petals. These rose petals can be either fresh or dried. Also, you should have a pot and water to cook the roses in. To make the rosary itself, you’ll need wire, chain links, and pliers for ...

Best Girl Baptism Invitations

I recently named my top picks for boy baptism invitations, so I thought that it would only be fair to do the same for those precious baby girls. My criteria for picking the girl invitations are similar to those for boys. As with the boy invites, I want the girl’s to standout on color, spiritual ...

Karla News

Gulliver Visits Several Marvelous Countries

Jonathan Swift was a caustic satirist. In the first two parts of “Gulliver’s Travels,” the satiric elements play second fiddle to absorbing narrative. In contrast, satire predominates in the third part, and narrative plays a minimal role. Swift satirizes George I, king of Great Britain, and Walpole, his minister. He also directs his barbs at ...