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Making Money with a Mobile Coffee Cart

Coffee Business

If you ever wanted to get started in the coffee business, but you really don’t want the hassle of running a restaurant, you can easily start your own mobile coffee cart business. This article will show you the ins and outs of having your own coffee cart, finding good locations, pricing and equipment. It will also show you how to make the most money from your coffee cart business as well.

So what’s it like having your own mobile coffee cart business, anyway? You drive your cart and equipment to your location every morning. If you were really smart, you found a good location where you can leave your cart overnight, like in an office building or a hospital. Then, you set up your coffee equipment, and wait for the customers to start coming. If you’re lucky, you are busy all day, making mochas and cappuccinos and espressos, and raking in anywhere from $250 to $1,500 a day or more.

The key to making the most money with your coffee cart business is to find the best location. You can have the best coffee in the world, but you won’t sell much if no one comes to your cart. Talk to managers and owners of heavily trafficked areas. Laundromats, office buildings, amusement parks, hospitals and other medical facilities, outside of bookstores. Just make sure the area has a lot of foot traffic, and little competition. You can also talk to the managers of art and craft fairs, festivals and other events about setting up your cart. You will likely have more competition, but it may be worth it if there is likely to be 50,000 people attending the event.

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Pricing is an important aspect of the mobile coffee cart business. You don’t want to price too low, because you want to make as much money as you can. You don’t want to price too high either, or you will lose customers to the coffee place down the street that doesn’t charge as much as you. Do your research, visit nearby coffee shops, and price what the market will bear. You will also need to review your prices in each new location, as prices can vary greatly by region, and even in the same city.

Coffee carts and equipment doesn’t come cheap. You will likely have many expenses every month as well, including leases for your locations. You will be needing to buy coffee, syrups, milk and other products on a regular basis, more if you are selling well. Look for wholesalers to find less expensive ingredients. But don’t skimp on quality. Your customers will know. Buy the best cart and equipment you can afford. Brand new carts and coffee machines can cost you a small fortune. You can easily find good quality used equipment from would-be coffee entrepreneurs who weren’t cut out for the business, and pay less money. Look online, on eBay, and even in your local paper in the classifieds section for good used equipment.

The coffee cart business can be fun, as well as financially rewarding. You can always change your location if you need to, or you can change location by event or season. That’s what’s great about being mobile. You can even take your business with you if you move across the country. Remember to always check, in any new location, that you are complying with any regulations and licensing requirements. And most of all, have fun, drink coffee, and make money!

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