Articles for tag: Bandana, Clothespin

Karla News

Western Themed Craft Ideas

Western themed craft items are fun and easy to make. The theme provides great objects to work with such as cowboy hats, boots, spurs, bandanas, pistols and sheriff stars. Indian moccasins, feathers, headbands and bow and arrows add other great ideas for western craft objects. Follow these simple instructions to make western themed craft items. ...

Karla News

Kid’s Shirt Clothespin Holder

Still love hanging your clothes out in the fresh air and sunshine? Then you’ll need a clothesline, clothes pins, oh yeah, and a holder for the pins. These days you’ll be hard-pressed to find a clothes pin holder, but you can easily make one, just by going to your child’s closet! Whether you have a ...

Karla News

Have a Toddler/Preschool Activity in a Bag Swap

A preschool activity in a bag swap is a great, cost-effective way for preschool moms to make and receive fun, educational activities for their toddlers. When my 12-year-old was a toddler, I participated in an activity in a bag swap. My daughter enjoyed the activities very much, and they kept her entertained for hours. I ...

Karla News

Baby Shower Games That You Can Make Yourself

Here is a list of fun games to play at your next baby shower. All of the games are homemade and not hard to do. 1. Guess How Big. You will need some ribbon or yarn for this game and a pair of scissors. Take the yarn or ribbon and hand it to each guest ...

Karla News

Eight Do’s and Don’ts for Nosebleed Sufferers

Everyone seems to have a home remedy for a nosebleed. And, if you suffer from frequent nosebleeds, you may have heard them all. But, while some nosebleed home remedies are effective, others can do more harm than good. Here are some things you should and shouldn’t try the next time you have a nosebleed. There ...

Karla News

Clothespin Crafts for Children

Are you looking for some easy crafts for children to make with clothespins? Maybe you just have extra clothespins lying around that you just do not know what to do with and you really want to get rid of them. Here are some clothespin crafts for children that can help you use your extra clothespins. ...