Articles for tag: Claudius

Karla News

The Morality of Revenge in Hamlet

“As it doth well appear unto our state – /But to recover of us, by strong hand…” (1,I, 101-102). Horatio, Prince Hamlet’s close friend, foreshadows a crucial theme in Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, the craving of vengeance. The text reveals that the need for revenge creates a throttlehold on the authentic emotions, thoughts, and ...

Karla News

Hamlet’s Classic War Between Passion and Responsibility

A common theme in literature is the classic war between a passion and responsibility. In a literary work, the main character often faces the demands of a passion, but deals with contemplation due to a conflict with his/her own responsibilities. In the play Hamlet, Hamlet grapples with this theme after the murder of his father. ...

Karla News

Queen Gertrude’s Role in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Throughout the entire plot of Hamlet, the young prince remains angry at his mother, mainly because she married her previous husband’s brother. The younger Hamlet gives his mother plenty of grief throughout the play because he feels she was finished grieving over her husband’s death far too quickly. King Claudius even calls Hamlet out on ...

Karla News

Is Shakespeare’s Hamlet a Tragedy?

William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet is the story of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Hamlet is the protagonist of the work, and the play outlines the trials and tribulations that Hamlet must endure while trying to uncover the truth surrounding his father’s death. It is also a story of revenge-the revenge that Hamlet seeks to inflict on ...

Karla News

Gertrude’s Moral Transgression in William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”

In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, Gertrude commits the moral transgression of marrying Claudius, her late husband’s brother, shortly after the King of Denmark’s death. Numerous references to her sin are made, and she is punished for it in the end with death. Hamlet laments Gertrude’s hasty marriage to Claudius and considers Gertrude to have had base ...