Articles for tag: Claudius, Hamlet, Ophelia

Karla News

Family Relationships in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

In The Tragedy of Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the relationships between parents and their offspring play a crucial role in the development of the plot. Interestingly, most of the parents do not seem to have good relationships with their children. Throughout Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Hamlet, the generation gap causes much tension, which, by the ...

Karla News

Deception in Hamlet

William Shakespeare’s tragedy, Hamlet, centers on a young Danish prince, Hamlet, and his quest to avenge his father’s murder. The tragedy begins when an apparition of his father, King Hamlet, appears to Hamlet and tells him the details of his death. The ghost tells Hamlet that his brother, Claudius, secretly poisons him while he was ...

Karla News

The Poison Motif in Hamlet

Hamlet is a tragic drama that tells the story of a bewildered young prince, a thinker who must contend with vengeful impulses riled by his father’s ghost and subsequently by the prince’s own agonized sensibility to the decorum of revenge. Shakespeare manages to induce Hamlet’s sensibilities in many ways, not the least of which is ...

Karla News

The Many Faces of Claudius, from William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

William Shakespeare’s Hamlet addresses a variety of concerns through its characterizations. Claudius, in particular, is integral to the play’s tragic plot, and he thoroughly exemplifies falsity. Though Claudius attempts to create the facade that he is a ruler of great courage and conviction, he is, in actuality, a cowardly, vain and hypocritical man. His feigned ...

Karla News

Roman Emperors: Claudius

The Julio-Claudian Dynasty was the first family to rule the Roman Empire, and they have gone down in history as one of the most fantastical and interesting characters in the history of Rome. Ranging from the first emperor Augustus to the last, dissolute Nero, the emperors of the first dynasty established the political office that ...

Karla News

Hamlet: Act I Theme and Character Analysis

Theme Analysis on Justice, Revenge, and Morality In Hamlet, Shakespeare conveys that depraved deeds will never be left without fair justice, as can be supported by the actions which the ghost of Hamlet desires his son to pursue. Upon Hamlet’s return from the grave, an aura of discontent blankets the mind of his fellow nobleman ...

Karla News

Character Analysis of the Main Characters in Hamlet

I really enjoyed watching Hamlet.I’m not into Mel Gibson as of late, but I think he did an excellent job in Hamlet. His eyes and his expressions really portrayed emotion. I was very pleased with the rest of the cast as well, although I think that Kate Winslet probably played a better Ophelia than Helena ...

Karla News

Spying in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet

A reoccurring theme in William Shakespeare’s Hamlet appears to have an unsympathetic link towards the moral ineptitude of the people involved in the play. To understand the type of spying that is exemplified, one has to look at the unethical King Claudius and his tireless facade. Hamlet finds himself knowingly in a conspiracy devised by ...

Karla News

An Analysis of Hamlet

It is a commonly accepted opinion that William Shakespeare is the greatest writer to ever live. Having written many of the most popular plays ever read, ranging from Macbeth to Romeo and Juliet, one cannot doubt the quality of his play Hamlet, which is considered one of the greatest plays, specifically tragedies, ever written. Shakespeare ...

Karla News

An Introspective Look at Corruption from Hamlet

“…when men look into their hearts…(they) find anger, lust and fear…” (Wild at Heart, John Eldridge, pg 41) Such words can set the premise for the fate of a kingdom. In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet there is found layer upon layer of dramatic irony. The declaration, “Custom hath made it in him a property of easiness” ...