Articles for tag: Child Anger, Child Support, Noncustodial, Noncustodial Parent

Karla News

How to Use a Kansas Child Support Calculator

Kansas has state guidelines that are used by judges to determine how much child support to order in support cases. While the judges are required to use these guidelines, there is no simple formula that applies to every case. Judges must look at the facts and circumstances of each case and arrive at a child ...

Karla News

How Child Support Works in the State of Florida

Introduction Child support in Florida is based on guidelines. The guidelines are worked out using the combined net income of both parents, with each parent paying a percentage based on the combined total net income of both parents. Income and Expenses Many people think if they underestimate their income, the paying spouse’s support will be ...

Karla News

How to Use an NH Child Support Calculator

New Hampshire has a complicated set of statewide guidelines that must be used to create court orders for child support. These guidelines are more than just a simple mathematical formula. As such, it is not really possibly to definitively predict how much support a judge will order in a particular case. But because the guidelines ...

Karla News

How to Do Child Support Calculations

All child support calculations are computed based on state child support guidelines. Unfortunately for parents who would like to estimate the future child support payments of a noncustodial parent, the common denominator sort of ends there. While the guidelines for one state may be substantially the same as some other states, the general truth is ...

Karla News

What to Do when You Cannot Afford to Make Child Support Payments

Often, the non-custodial parent, or a parent that does not have full custody of a child, may find himself or herself in difficult financial circumstances, especially with the current economic effects of today’s recession. Most recently, many celebrities are finding themselves facing liens and court judgments for failure to pay child support. The worst thing ...

Karla News

Will You Have to Pay Child Support If Your Child is Emancipated?

Child support becomes a complicated issue when your child is emancipated, especially since your legal obligations don’t automatically stop. If you’ve been paying child support to your ex-spouse for your child and he or she becomes emancipated, you will need to petition the courts to terminate child support. The exact procedure varies depending on the ...

Karla News

Child Support for Single Mothers

Virtually any single parent knows child support is available to them; however, many single parents do not receive child support. Some do not even bother attempting to collect child support. Child support amounts and calculation formulas are set by law in every state in the United States. Some states us a guideline approach, some use ...

Karla News

Arrested for Failure to Pay Child Support?

In the United States, failure to pay child support is actionable within both the criminal and civil courts, and is considered a serious offense. If you owe child support to the other parent of your child, and you haven’t bothered to send a payment in six months, you might very well be arrested. Although police ...

Karla News

Child Support Laws in California

Child Support Law In California Under California law, both parents have an obligation to support their Children. (Cal. Fam. Code § 4053, subd.(b)). When it comes to child support, the court will make a support order on a case-by-case basis. This means that just because your friend receives $700 per month in child support, that ...