Karla News

Wanna Be a Brothel Worker? Think Again

I remember when I first decided to inquire about working in a brothel. I was already dancing in Philadelphia and while the money was okay, there was certainly an allure to making even more money with less work. I had already seen the HBO special on the Moonlight Bunny Ranch and I must admit, I was young enough to believe it all looked very fun. Somehow the thought of sleeping with men for money completely escaped my mind and I chose to focus on spending 2 weeks in Las Vegas.

At the time, applying was simple enough- I actually sent my picture and inquiry via e-mail to the Moonlight Bunny Ranch but I think they tend to prefer a certain type of girl. After a Google search, I decided to pursue another popular establishment and decided upon The Chicken Ranch. The initial contact I had with the “Madam” was simple enough- she explained how business was conducted and the minimum contract length. We discussed the financial potential and housing situation at the brothel. I was to contact her when I purchased my plane ticket so that they could send the driver to pick me up from the airport.

I was picked up with another girl and we were immediately taken to the clinic in order to be examined for STDs and AIDS. It was interesting to be just sitting in the public clinic in downtown Las Vegas, with young girls waiting from the results from their pregnancy tests and waiting to pick up their birth control pills. The doctor who examined me was very curt and very rough during the examination and I couldn’t help but take it personal. We were to wait the two days for our results and were quickly taken from the clinic to The Chicken Ranch. It was then I found out the ranch was at least an hour’s drive away from Las Vegas, in Pahrump, Nevada.

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Upon arrival at the ranch, I was taken to the Madam who sat me down after putting my luggage behind the front desk and made sure I bought all the necessary documentation for my license. I had my driver’s license and Social Security card and soon I found myself in the car, headed to the sheriff’s office to be licensed as a brothel worker. I was fingerprinted and my information was taken and I was headed back to the brothel and taken to my new abode for the next two weeks.

My room was OK – the television barely worked and I shared a bathroom with the girl next door to me. I found out later on that the better rooms were saved for the girls who stayed at the ranch for long stretches of time. When I took a tour, I discovered that many of the girls had done wonderful things with their rooms to make them the proverbial “home away from home.” Considering that after you were medically cleared, you were no longer allowed off The Ranch’s property without being under “Supervision” this made sense.

Once I was medically and legally cleared, the schedule we worked was as follows: from 8 am to about 10 pm we were all expected “on duty” but from 10 pm to 8 am only those who opted to could be called to duty. It was definitely a beast trying to adjust to the time difference and I didn’t really find myself working overnights too often. The pay breakdown was a 50/50 split with the house and this was in addition to the $10/day the house charged you for rent. There was an unspoken pressure to make money to pay your rent, if nothing else. There were Girls who ran up alcohol bills in the triple digits because sometimes there was nothing left to do but drink.

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During my stay there, I was the only Girl from the East Coast. One Girl’s Husband came to visit her and bought drinks at the Ranch’s bar while spending time with his Wife. I found that to be highly unusual but hey, whatever works. Also there during my stay was adult film star Trinity Post . At the time I had NO idea why she could charge what she did for a session and people paid. However, knowledge is power/. Lol. At the time I was unaware who she even was.

Was there tension between us Girls? Of course….because even then it was slow and people just “weren’t making the money the used to.” There were accusations of preferential treatment by the Administrative Staff on behalf of the Girls who were making certain amounts of money. I mean, at one point there was an argument because the cook would only make omelets for the highest money earners. The rest of us were on our own. It was a lonely existence only alleviated by the late day phone call back to the East Coast.

In the end, I didn’t make that much money. Once the house took its cut, rent was paid and I recouped my travel costs, it really wasn’t a big to-do for me. I know that people use this scenario as the poster child for legalized Prostitution, however all I saw with this model was an opportunity for the house to overcharge the Girls for basic supplies, take a huge chunk of your money and have you work slave-like hours. This to me was no different to working for an individual Pimp, only the Brothels cant legally abuse you. After my experience working, you can be sure I wont want to return anytime soon.