Articles for tag: Chihuly, Rose Bushes, Rose Care, Rose Pruning

Karla News

How to Grow Tree Roses

Tree roses make a rose garden something special. They add a dramatic vertical element, towering over normal rose bushes. Tree roses are not a product of nature. They are created by nursery owners by a method of very careful grafting. Tree roses are actually made up of three separate items. At the bottom is a ...

Karla News

My Favorite OKC (Oklahoma City) Activities

I have lived in the Oklahoma City area my entire life and there are so many fun things to do! My husband and I love to attend concerts, go to museums, and see animals at the zoo. Even though a few of these activities are expensive, they are always worth the price! If you need ...

Karla News

Free Things to Do in Columbus, Indiana

When you think of taking a vacation, Columbus, Indiana may not be on the top of your list! But in the fifth annual “Historic Places Rated” survey published by National Geographic (Nov/Dec 2008 National Geographic Traveler issue) surprising little Columbus, Indiana was rated top in the nation and 11th in the world! So what kind ...

Karla News

Chihuly Nights at the Dallas Arboretum

On a recent visit to see family in Dallas I rang an old friend to squeeze in some catching-up time. She happened to be heading out to The Dallas Arboretum for a tour of the Chihuly installation. Another friend from elementary school, Carlyn Ray, happened to be giving to the tour. Carlyn had worked for ...

Karla News

The Leepa Rattner Museum of Art at St. Petersburg College

The Leepa-Rattner Museum sits deep within St. Petersburg College’s Tarpon Springs Campus, located at the corner of Klosterman Road and U.S. Highway 19 North in Tarpon Springs, Florida. Admission to the Museum is free to SPC students, $5 for adults, $4 for seniors, and also free for children under age 18. The museum, which opened ...

Karla News

Top 7 Places to Kiss in Downtown Minneapolis

Looking for the perfect place to enjoy a smooch with a special someone in your life? You can relieve a little of the pre-kiss anxiety, and perhaps wipe it away altogether, by discovering these tried-and-true romantic places. Whether you prefer a lovely overlook, a quiet secluded nook, or a bustling corner, downtown Minneapolis has a ...