Articles for tag: Calluses

Home Remedies for Heel Calluses

Heel calluses form along the rim of the heel. Some causes are excess weight, open-back shoes, standing a lot, vitamin deficiency and dry skin. An unsightly build-up of dead skin, heel calluses are the body’s defense against what would otherwise tear the skin. Where there is pressure, calluses form. Heel calluses can become painful when ...

Karla News

How to Treat Dry Callused Feet

There are many reasons why one could have callused feet even when religiously wearing shoes every day. Some of the reasons are medical, like diabetes while others are as simple as lack of moisturizing. Dry callused feet are not only unpleasant to show in public, but they can also cause so much damage to your ...

Karla News

14 Days to Callus Free Feet

Many people, including myself are plagued by calluses and are constantly trying to get rid of them, trying numerous lotions to soften our feet, pumice stones, callus removers, Vaselline, etc. I recently have been on a mission to rid myself of calluses in about two weeks time by following a self-designed regimen based on trying ...

Karla News

Pedicures for More Than Pretty Feet

We all know that pedicures can make our toes look pretty for summer sandals, or just for our own pleasure, and they make our feet feel pampered. But did you know that regular pedicures, whether in a spa or salon, or done by yourself at home, can help keep your feet healthy? There are three ...

How to Treat Corns and Calluses

Having a corn or callus on your feet can be painful, and embarrassing. Don’t worry, there is no need to keep those little imperfections covered. Corns and calluses can be treated to help improve the appearance of your feet. You should always get the corn or callus checked out by a doctor before doing any ...

Karla News

Savasa Fitness Gloves for Working Out

A month ago I joined Curves gym for women, and after two weeks of working out with their resistance exercise equipment, I started to develop blisters, then calluses on my hands. This condition reminded me of what happens to my hands when I rake our large yard without wearing protective work or garden gloves. Curves ...

Karla News

Fit Feet: The Importance of Proper Foot Care

The summer months are just ahead, and most of us are planning to bare our feet to keep them cool during the warmer temperatures. There are many reasons we should take care of our feet, for they are the foundation that we stand on, keeping us mobile in our everyday lives. We want our feet ...

Karla News

How to Remove a Callus

Everyone gets them at one point or another, those annoying nodules of hardened flesh: calluses, corns, and bunions. All these are the results of excessive rubbing/pressure on the affected area, where the body builds up the flesh in an attempt to protect itself. While calluses start out small and rough and nothing more than a ...

Handling Painful Calluses on Your Feet

Okay, I know you have calluses that sometimes can be so painful! What’s worse is that they grow and cause you more pain! This can be easily and safely fixed, though. There are several things which you can do without having to go to the podiatrist. Good, old-fashioned knife. You’ll need an exacto knife or ...