Articles for tag: Caffeine Addiction, Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms, Withdrawal Symptoms

Karla News

How I Kicked My Soda (Caffeine) Addiction

Kicking any type of addiction, whether it is caffeine, overspending or speeding in traffic, can be a pain. But in the end, doing so can be beneficial if you are successful. My own personal struggle for many years was caffeine, more directly, soda. I got the common headache if I went so many hours without ...

How to Live Through Caffeine Withdrawal

Yes, I’ll admit it. I was a “Caffeine Junkie” at one time. I worked in law enforcement. I worked long hours, double shifts, plus I had a family to take care of. Caffeine- coffee specifically- helped me stay awake when I was dead on my feet. It was the “magic elixir” that kept my exhausted ...

Natural Ways to Cure a Caffeine Addiction

You’re pushing your fifth cup of coffee for the day, and are certain you can make it until morning without another blast of caffeine. By dinnertime you’re enjoying a relaxing meal but soon realize you need yet another cup-make it a large mug– to get you through the evening. Welcome to your caffeine dependent lifestyle. ...

Caffeine Addiction – The Short and Long Term Effects

When most people think about drugs and addictions, few place caffeine in this category. However, caffeine addiction is the number one addiction affecting millions of people. The majority of people living with caffeine addiction are unaware of this problem. Yet, if they were to miss their morning cup of coffee or soda, symptoms of caffeine ...

Karla News

Overcome Your Caffeine Addiction and Boost Your Energy

Contrary to popular belief, coffee doesn’t really boost your energy level at all. When you first start drinking it or if you drink it occasionally, it may give you a little temporary feeling of increased energy but like chocolate it drops your energy and sugar levels to the basement. You feel elated for about an ...

Caffeine, Good or Bad for Your Health?

Is caffeine good or bad for your health? The answer is YES! Is caffeine good, yes! Is caffeine bad, yes! Meaning, there is no simple answer to this one; but this article will help you understand both the positive and negative effects of caffeine and how to maximize the positive and minimize the negative. We ...

Breaking the Caffeine Addiction

It’s often difficult to think of caffeine as an addiction; after all, we don’t see public service announcements warning us against its negative effects. The truth, however, is that caffeine is just as addictive as are cigarettes and alcohol, even if we don’t realize it right away. Breaking the caffeine addiction can be painful, but ...