Articles for tag: Baby Gender, Gender, Old Wive's Tales

Karla News

Baby Gender Prediction

Many would be mothers have no illusion whatsoever on baby gender predictions. There are various ways to predict the gender of any unborn baby inside his mother’s womb. One of the most popular yet unscientific methods is called old wives’ tales. One funny old wives’ tale is pointing to the status of a pregnant mother’s ...

Karla News

Boy or Girl? Can Pregnancy Symptoms Reveal Your Baby’s Gender?

Like many multi-child mothers with same sex children, I have my eye on a certain gender this pregnancy. While I’m not much for wives tales, one particular suggestion caught my more scientifically swayed side. It’s often said that depending on the sex of your unborn baby you will experience different pregnancy symptoms due to the ...

How to Have a Baby Boy

Dreaming of a blue nursery followed by many years of cars, trucks and all things creepy crawly? There is no shortage of information on choosing your baby’s gender before conception, from simple dietary changes to time consuming charts and graphs. The one thing to remember as you delve further and further into the chromosome battle ...

Karla News

Old Wives Tales for Baby Gender Prediction

Since I am so curious by nature, as soon as I am pregnant I want to know what the sex of the baby is. I can’t wait until I can go buy clothes or start planning the nursery. Since you have to wait usually until 18-20 weeks for your ultrasound, I was curious to see ...

Karla News

Gender Reveal Party Ideas

Announcing your baby’s gender is lots of fun, so why not make a party out of it? A gender reveal party is an increasingly popular practice among new parents. When I found out I was having a girl, I bought a pink blanket and hid it in a shopping bag. I pulled it out to ...

Choosing Your Baby’s Gender: Old Wives Tales

The gender of a baby is one of the most important details of a pregnancy. Although you will love you baby no matter what gender he/she turns out to be, the suspense is excruciating. With the help of ultrasounds, parents can now see the gender of their baby as early as 16 weeks gestation. However, ...