Are you having a difficult time dealing with the diagnosis of epilepsy? If you answered, “yes” you’re not alone. Many who have epilepsy feel alone and are not sure how to cope. To help understand common challenges someone with epilepsy faces and for tips on coping with epilepsy, I have interviewed therapist Elizabeth Boyajian.

Tell me a little bit about yourself.
“I am a licensed mental health counselor who is passionate about taking the journey with my clients through their lives many twists and turns. I believe that we are all looking for the same common things, such as connection, love, intimacy and validation. I have been in practice for over 30 years, working within hospital setting, outpatient clinics, and am now sole proprietor of my counseling practice in Maine. ‘Options Counseling’, that stands for ‘Optimal thinking to improve one’s success’, and my passion is for client education, growth and self understanding.”

What are some challenges someone with epilepsy faces?
“Epilepsy carries with it a stigma dating back to Biblical days when it was thought that those with epilepsy were ‘possessed’ by an evil spirit. With that backdrop and little to dispell this notion, most people with epilepsy sadly still feel the need to ‘hide’ their disability for fear of being shunned. Movies and the media are not helpful in dispelling these misperceptions either.

Epilepsy is a ‘hidden disability” with many types of seizures are only experienced by the individual such as in the complex partial seizures., In this seizure type, one can look ‘as if” one is attending and processing information, but is actually having extra electrical brain activity which is impeding processing. In this case expectations and miscuing is common and people will think the person is disintested, distracted or just daydreaming, which adds to the complexity of having seizures.

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With almost 3 million people in the U.S. having some form of epilepsy and about 200,000 new cases of seizure disorders and epilepsy diagnosed each year, education on both the national and local level can help dispel the myths of epilepsy. I encourage all to visit the ”

What are some tips for coping with epilepsy?
“First would be to educate oneself about the type of seizures you have as there are many different types. Second would be to find a neurologist with whom you are comfortable discussing the many aspects of epilepsy as it affects your quality of life (driving, employment, pregnancy). And for me, one the most critical pieces would be to find (or create if there is none in your area), an epilepsy support group. There is much validation in knowing that you are not the ‘only one’ who is trying to cope with epilepsy and many friendships can be forged from this group. One can go to the Epilepsy Foundations website to learn more about services in their area and to gather information and educational materials.”

What type of professional help is available for someone that is having a difficult time coping with epilepsy?
” I was diagnosed at age 16 with epilepsy, and had surgery at age 21 with good success, I firmly believe that a supportive, caring relationship where one can mourn the loss of some parts of themselves, as well as help overcome the emotional burden of epilepsy is invaluable. With that said, not all therapists are comfortable with epilepsy (nor are all neurologists) so I would be mindful in seeking a therapist who is well versed in the subtle nuances of brain issues, medication interactions, and body/mind connections.

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I would add the people who have epilepsy can lead active full lives by learning to take charge of their diagnosis, find out all the resources available to them in their area, and educate themselves about good self care and the posibilities that life can offer.

Thank you Elizabeth for doing the interview on tips for coping with epilepsy. For more information on Elizabeth Boyajian or her work you can visit her website at

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