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Synthroid Side Effects: Tips for Coping with Hypothyroid Drug

Hypothyroid, Synthroid, Synthroid Side Effects

I have been on Synthroid pills since 1972 when I had surgery to remove one of my thyroids due to cancer. Since my thyroid (an important gland in the body) is no longer functioning, I have to take Synthroid for the rest of my life. Therefore, blood testing must be done on a regular basis. The proper dosage is dependent on the blood test results, and the dosages may have to be increased, decreased or remain the same.

Once, although I had been prescribed the proper dosage according to the results of the blood test, I began experiencing an odd sensation about five weeks after i started taking the higher dose. I began itching all over; on my arms, the soles of my feet, my back, and found it impossible to fall asleep as I began tossing and turning all night long. The morning could not come soon enough for me, and as soon as the sun came up, I phone the doctor. I explained what I had experienced the previous night and was told that it was a Synthroid side effect . He suggested that I stop taking any pills for three days, and on the fourth day, to start taking the lower dose that he had just prescribed by calling it into the pharmacy. The itching stopped and once again I had no trouble falling asleep.

A few months later, another blood result revealed that my thyroid function was now too low. Once again the dosages was adjusted. Every once in a while, if they attempt to increase my dosage, I start itching. This Synthroid side effect alerts me immediately when a dosages is too high for me to comfortably tolerate and makes me too hyper.

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One other side effect that I have and still experience is the ”intolerance to heat’. My body does not feel hot and I am not sweating, but if the air is still, and not circulating, whether outdoors or indoors, I get an anxiety feeling of intolerance and wanting to run away. This Synthroid side effect makes me feel as if I am hot inside. No one else in the room feels hot – and they give me a weird look, but it is something that I just cannot explain to anyone unless they too are on Synthroid, and also have the same reaction.

While this might sound trivial, I assure you it is not. I actually had to buy a small portable fan to take with me whenever I went to a particular dentist. His office was really warm and stuffy, and I could not tolerate it. So he plugged in the fan, faced it towards me so I could feel the breeze on my face. Then I was fine during the entire dental procedure. Heat intolerance due to a Synthroid side effect still remains with me to this day.

These are the only Synthroid side effects that I have ever experienced, and I have been taking the pill for almost 33 years now. The doctor is still trying to regulate my dosage, and I still keep the fan in the trunk of my car just in case it is needed. However I no longer use the fan, because the moment I go to my doctor, my dentist or my chiropractor, and it feels ”hot and stuffy’.’ I ask them to turn down the air conditioner until I leave. and they all do. One chiropractor refused, and I just walked out of his office and never returned.