Articles for tag: Hypothyroid, Shaken Baby, Shaken Baby Syndrome

Karla News

My Journey Living with Hypothyroidism

This is my story about my journey with hypothyroidism. It is a difficult story for me to tell as I confess the truth of how deeply the disease affected me and how desperate it left me. It is a story that begins with fear, rage, and exhaustion, but ends with hope and joy. It is ...

Karla News

How Do I Control Hashimoto’s Hypothyroid Disease?

Yahoo! asked readers and contributors to provide short personal accounts of their experience with thyroid disease, and then pose a question for a healthcare professional. Here is one perspective. I’ve had Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism since I was about 21. It has not threatened my life. I have had blood tests to ensure normal thyroid function ever ...

Karla News

My Own Symptoms of Hypothyroid Disease

It was about 2 years ago when I started feeling really slowed down. I was about to go to work and I felt a little dizzy, light headed and just couldn’t seem to get myself together to go to work that day. I remember telling my wife that I just felt really really sluggish. The ...

T3, Hypothyroid and Iodine

T3, hypothyroid and iodine apparently all play a role together. I will inform you of my recent experience of being diagnosed with hypothyroidism and how I was able to overcome it. During a routine examination and CBC (Complete Blood Count), my doctor noticed my TS3 level was slow a few months ago. He asked if ...