Karla News

SuperPump 250: Creatine Supplement Review

SuperPump 250, the miracle supplement. This supplement was said to do many things, in short amounts of time.

“The clinical trials have it! SuperPump 250 has been developed through extensive research and has been shown in independent laboratory testing to promote explosive increases in lean mass and muscle size in your very first workout!”
-Gaspari Nutrition

Hmm, lets see. Okay, folks I just want you to know… I’m not a big guy. I weigh 145, with a slim athletic body. So products like these are a natural eye grabber to some of the more “slim” and “skinny” types. I saw this in the Vitamin Shoppe and my thoughts were “Just like every other product that says it offers great boosts in muscle size and bla bla bla”. So I went up to the guy working in the counter and asked him about it, and of course his responses were all positive about the product seeing as he just wanted to sell it and make money. So I think, eh… Why not.

I take this home and read the label continuously, just getting myself enthused about the product. The only thing that was stopping me from taking it right then was that on the label it says “Do not take within four hours of going to sleep” and mind you it was around 10 o’clock at night and I was just lying down. So next day comes, and I had weight training at school, so I was excited to test this out.

Classes go by and I get to third period Weight Training class, and I go to the locker room.
Rip the cover off of the bottle, take two scoops out of the container, placed them in my Protein Shaker. Practically running to the water fountain I filled it up with 8oz of water like the directions tell you to. I gave it a good stir and started drinking this…

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Now let me tell you this right now. The taste was NOT pleasant at all… I bought the Lemon Burst flavor, and it was probably the most TART, and unbearable thing to try to get down my throat… So probably 15 minutes after the dreadful gulps of Lemon Burst, I start feeling really anxious and “jittery”. My skin started itching in my hands and face from the extreme doses of caffeine in the product, and I got really pumped to go lift a weight. After are stretches I dashed over to the dumbbells and started lifting. Now, this product doesn’t make you lift HEAVIER, just it gives you more energy to do more repetitions of the weight.

So I’m starting to enjoy the product. Itchiness goes away, and doing good strong sets on the bench. THEN, maybe halfway in the middle of my workout, my stomach goes crazy… Sounds in it I never heard. I sprinted to the bathroom only to be sitting on the toilet the rest of the class with the “runs”… This product turned into the common Internet name “SuperDump 250”.

I was very depressed I did not get to finish my routine in class… But did not give up on the product, after all I spent 60 dollars on it!

So the next day came, and I tried it again… This time, no rumbles and tumbles in my stomach. Just a few unpleasant gaseous winds. Got through the workout, still with energy left over. My next period comes, and my body is trembling still from the caffeine.

Later when I got home, I went into the bathroom and took off my shirt. Not one noticeable change.
I continued with the product for the rest of the week only to find myself building a tolerance to the caffeine. So the product turned out to be nothing in a week.

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Now, not all of you might have these side affects. But most of the reviews I have read have had similar ones.

I would not recommend this product to anyone besides those who are looking for a good replacement for a laxative… ;D

My personal Ratings on this product out of 10:

Taste- 3
Pump – 8
Power Increase – 3
Usefulness – 5
Results – 0

If you want to experiment on your own, I would not recommend it. Just a waste of money.

Good luck friends.
-Peace, love, strength.