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So You Want to Star in a Broadway Musical?

Broadway Show Reviews, Learn How to Sing

Becoming an actor or actress isn’t an easy task, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that stage acting will be easier or less competitive. Theater actors and actresses from all over the country migrate to New York City with the hopes of starring in a Broadway musical, but few ever make the cut. It means long hours of practicing and attending auditions for which you are never called back. Pursuing your dream to star in a Broadway musical means rejection — and lots of it — but it can also mean the realization of your dream when a director is impressed with your performance.

If you’re hoping to star in a Broadway musical some day, here are some of the things you need to know.

Study Theater in High School and College
Any experience on the stage is good experience, so start as early as possible. If you are still in high school, work toward your dream of starring in a Broadway Musical by joining the Thespian program. You’ll learn the basics of stage acting and you might even get to star in a performance, which is great training for the future. In college, you might want to major in drama or a related subject so that you get as much exposure as possible.

Consider Teaching as a Side Job
Many Broadway musical stars get their feet wet by earning a degree in the dramatic arts and then teaching acting at a junior high or high school while they audition in their spare time. This allows you to stay connected with your dramatic roots without the pressure of getting an acting gig in order to pay the mortgage. It will also give you directing experience (on a very small scale) that can help lead you toward starring in a Broadway musical.

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Learn How to Sing and Dance
Whatever you do to make a living, you won’t be able to become a Broadway musical star unless you can sing and dance. Taking voice and dance lessons will help you to hone your skills, which will make you more attractive to directors. You can also learn other skills that might help you out, such as playing an instrument or learning stunt tricks. In order to become a star in a Broadway musical, you’re going to have to have talents that set you apart from other hopefuls.

Get the Right Gear
In order to star in a Broadway musical, you’ll need to have clothing that allows you to audition. Comfortable clothes with appropriate footwear is absolutely necessary, and you must have clothing that allows you to move freely, especially if the audition requires dancing. You don’t need to spend a fortune on clothes, but make sure you have one or two outfits that will support your dream.

Obtain Head Shots and Write Your Resume
In this area, becoming a star in a Broadway musical is no different from seeking an acting job in television or movies. You’ll need good-quality head shots, which can be obtained from any reputable photographer. Once you have them, you’ll also need to write your resume, which should include any education and work history in theater or acting.

Learn a Non-Acting Skill
As talented as you are, you still might not be able to break into Broadway as an actor. Fortunately, Broadway productions require tons of other professionals, such as makeup artists, costume designers, set designers and stage lighting. If you learn one of these skills, you’ll be in high demand and you can start building contacts that might eventually lead to a career as a star in a Broadway musical.

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Familiarize Yourself with Broadway Musicals
If you aren’t familiar with the productions currently on stage, you won’t have much of a chance of becoming a star. Rent videos of some of the more popular musicals and attend Broadway and Off-Broadway productions as often as possible. You might want to start with Cabaret, Hair, Rent, Cats, Avenue Q, The Producers, Chicago, Little Shop of Horrors and Ragtime. You should also know which Off-Broadway musicals are destined to move to Broadway in the near future.


  • Broadway