Articles for tag: Learn How to Sing, Learn to Sing, Vocal Training, Warming Up

Karla News

How to Sing a Beginners Guide

Studying the voice and learning how to sing well takes time, patience and above all, PRACTICE! You must allow your body AND your voice time to develop a ‘muscle memory’ so that it can remember how to respond when singing. Repetition is the key to developing a secure technique and this is achieved through regular ...

So You Want to Star in a Broadway Musical?

Becoming an actor or actress isn’t an easy task, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that stage acting will be easier or less competitive. Theater actors and actresses from all over the country migrate to New York City with the hopes of starring in a Broadway musical, but few ever make the cut. It ...

Karla News

Teach Yourself to Read Music: No Musical Background Required

Music is the one language that can be understood throughout the world. While the genres of music may be different and there are various styles that are appreciated, there is no doubt that music is embedded in our everyday lives, whether we realize it or not. I teach music, having a music education background, and ...

Karla News

How Music Helps Your Child’s Development

Although music and the arts are often considered last in a long line of school requirements, including reading, writing, mathematics, science, and passing those all-important standardized tests, students have been proven to benefit from involvement in the visual and performing arts. While there has been extensive scientific research about the neurological benefits of music and ...