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Simple Tricks for Longer Lasting Candles

Table Salt

There are so many different styles of candles available that it would be really hard not to find something we like. There are different colors, scents, sizes, and even ones that fit the décor of certain holidays. Some of these candles cost a pretty penny, so it’s no wonder that we want our candles to last us a long time. What usually happens with me, I get a really cute candle I love but am afraid to light it because I don’t want it to melt that same day and I want them to last a little longer. There are simple tricks that you can do to help your candle last longer, so you will be able to enjoy it longer.

Table Salt

This is a great, simple little trick that will keep your candles lasting longer. Go ahead and light your candle, in order for this trick to work properly the wax has to be liquid. The wax will begin to melt and form a little pool beneath the wick.

If you are working with a long narrow candle, you will want to wait until the tip of the candle becomes somewhat flat for this to work. Blow out the candle. Now take some table salt and sprinkle a small amount into the wax surrounding the wick. Do this rather quickly because you want the table salt to mix in with the wax and not just sit on surface of the wax.

When you light your candle again, you will notice how much slower the wax will melt. You keep doing this for the life of your candle and it will last twice as long.

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The Freezer

Yes, it is true. If you put your candles in the freezer for at least an hour or two, it will last longer. The trick is to make sure that you protect the wick from freezing so you will need to wrap the wick with some aluminum foil before placing the candle into the freezer.

When you put the candle in the freezer, this allows the wax to burn at a slower rate than if the candle was at room temperature, making the candle last longer. Protecting the wick with aluminum foil makes it a lot easier to light.

Trimming the Wick

Make sure that before you light the candle, that you trim the wick down to ¼ on inch, this way the candle will burn more evenly. You will need to do this every time you light the candle.

Also make sure that you don’t set the candle next to doorways or windows with drafts, because drafts will cause the candle to burn unevenly which will cause the candle to burn more quickly.

So next time you go to light your favorite candle, try some of these tricks to make the candle last longer. Then you will be able to enjoy it longer.

Sources: Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things book