Karla News

Similasan Earache Relief: An Effective Homeopathic Ear Relief Formula

Ear Canal

Recently my daughter came home stating her ear hurt. With a history of ear infections, I already knew what her problem was. However, this time, she complained of a pressure feeling and a lot of pain. I contacted the doctor, who could not see her for two days, so after scheduling an appointment, I went to the local pharmacy. When asking the pharmacist what would work to stop the pain and bring comfort, he suggested I try Similasan Earache Relief Formula. He stated that many of his patients had reported success when using this product.

First thing I did was to read the directions carefully. Usage was easy, only calling for the sick person to lay on their side, while 2 to 3 drops were placed in the affected ear canal. With an older child , such as mine, this is an easy task. However with a smaller child, I would think it would be a bit difficult. Perhaps, waiting until the child is asleep would be a better way to administer the medicine in a small child. Another suggestion on the label that will keep the medicine in place for best effectiveness, is to place a ball of cotton in the ear canal opening. However, be sure not to place it too far so damage doesn’t occur the cotton ball is difficult to retrieve.

The directions state that the drops can be placed in the ear canal every half hour up to six uses in a day. The first dose began to take effect almost immediately. Our daughter stated that she felt some relief within a few minutes. Being that she felt so bad, she remained in bed, so the medicine could stay in her ear. Immediately after using the second dose, she stated that the pain was gone, but their was still a slight pressure feeling. The pain never returned, however the pressure feeling remained. I suppose this was due to the fact that she had an underlying infection.

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I was curious as to what ingredients in the product were so effective. The label states that the natural ingredients are Chamomila which is a pain reliever, mercuris solubilis which serves as a pain relier and an anti inflammatory, and sulphur which serves both as a pain reliever and as an anti itch medication. I researched, as the sound of mercuris sounded like mercury. It is not related to mercury.

All in all, we were very pleased with the Similasan Earache Relief formula. It is advertised as a homeopathic, or natural remedy product, so we were vary wary if it would work. However, the pharmacist was correct. After all, our Indian ancestors often used natural remedies straight from the lands that took care of or helped their medical ailments. We were very pleased with this product, and would highly recommend it to others to use.


  • Directions on package