Articles for tag: Ear Canal, Ear Candles, Ear Candling, Ear Wax, Earwax

Home Remedies for Earwax Buildup

God put earwax in our ears for a reason. Earwax, or cerumen, is there to protect us by lubricating our ear canals and blocking dirt, bacteria, fungus and tiny insects from entering. However, there can be problems when there is too much earwax buildup and it becomes hard. These include difficulty in hearing, dizziness, vertigo, ...

Karla News

My Dog has Ears That Smell – Ear Mites

Ear mites can cause a rancid odor that emanates from your dog’s ears. They will also cause your dog to scratch at his ears more than usual and shake his head. Ear mites are extremely contagious so your dog could have gotten them from anywhere. They burrow in the ear canal and cause an itchy ...

Karla News

Ear Pain Remedies: Homeopathic Alternatives

With children commonly suffering from ear infections, the use of antibiotics, in the treatment of ear pain, has become widely accepted. For some children, however, bacteria may not be the culprit of ear pain and may, instead, be attributed to viral conditions or even allergens. As an alternative to antibiotics, initially, parents may want to ...

Karla News

Home Remedy for Itchy Ears

A simple home remedy for dry, itchy skin in your ear canal is no further than your kitchen or bathroom. Small amounts of oil, preferably sweet oil (also known as extra light olive oil) or baby oil, will help lubricate and moisturize the ear canal, which can eliminate dry itchy skin as well as help ...

How to Remove Ear Wax Safely

Particularly during the spring months, when it’s warm enough for ear wax to flow, but cool enough it gets congealed in your ear, knowing how to safely remove ear wax is important. It’s not the most pleasant topics to talk about, but removing ear wax can help you hear better, and help keep your eyes ...

Karla News

What Causes Bleeding from the Ear Canal?

Earaches are a common symptom that usually indicates an ear infection. They may cause a great deal of discomfort, but usually resolve even without treatment over a five to seven day period. On the other hand ear pain associated with bleeding from an ear canal is usually the sign of a more serious condition ‘” ...

How to Safely Remove Earwax

Do you remember as a child being told never to put anything in your ears smaller than your elbow? I used to wonder how anyone could put their elbow in their ears. Mine wouldn’t fit. Earwax is a natural substance called cerumen that protects the tissues and structures of your ear canal. This waxy substance ...

Karla News

How to Remove Ear Wax

Do people often have to repeat sentences when they’re talking to you? Are you experiencing occasional dizziness and a sense of fullness in one or both ears? These can all be signs of impacted ear wax, a relatively common problem that becomes more pronounced with age. The hearing loss associated with impacted ear wax can ...