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Side Effects of Enoxaparin (Lovenox)

Blood in Stool, Blood in Urine, U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Lovenox is a brand name version of enoxaparin, an injectable medication used to prevent deep vein thrombosis or blood clots. Lovenox thins the blood to prevent complications following a surgery that leaves the patient unable to walk for an extended period of time. The side effects of Lovenox enoxaparin are typically mild, but certain side effects can be indicative of a serious complication.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved Lovenox in 1993 and generic enoxaparin was approved in 2010. Lovenox is designed to prevent the development of blood clots in patients who must remain immobile or bedridden for an extended period of time. The Mayo Clinic reports that is primarily used in patients who have undergone knee or hip replacement surgery to prevent conditions like pulmonary embolism, a potentially fatal development which forms from blood clots.

Side effects of enoxaparin or Lovenox most frequently include pain or irritation at the point of the injection, fever, digestive malaise, and diarrhea. According to the University of Utah, Minor nose bleeds or gum bleeding after brushing teeth are also generally minor side effects of Lovenox.

Serious side effects of Lovenox enoxaparin can indicate excessive bleeding or even an allergic reaction. According to the Mayo Clinic, when bleeding is profuse the corresponding side effects can include blood in urine, blood in stool, more severe nosebleeds, coughing up blood, dizziness, and shortness of breath. Side effects of Lovenox that may indicate an allergic reaction include swelling, skin rashes or hives, itching or the skin or throat, and difficulty breathing. If any of these problems arise, inform your doctor immediately.

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In addition to side effects of enoxaparin alone, Lovenox can also interact with various other drugs and substances. WebMD reports that mifepristone and enoxaparin can have serious interactions. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center herbs and supplements like flaxseed oil, alpha-linolenic acid, ginkgo biloba, chondroitin, and omega-3 fatty acids can exacerbate the effects of anticoagulants like Lovenox. Let your doctor know about any other drugs or supplements you are taking before using enoxaparin.

Lovenox or enoxaparin is an anticoagulant used to prevent blood clots and complications that arise when a patient must remain in bed for and extended period of time. Side effects of Lovenox are typically mild and limited to irritation at the point of injection and other minor issues. However, it can also sometimes cause serious bleeding issues, particularly if it interacts with other medications or supplements. Before using enoxaparin, tell your doctor about any allergies you have and about any other medications you are taking.


Enoxaparin – Injection. WebMD.

Enoxaparin (Subcutaneous Route, Injection Route). Mayo Clinic.

FDA Approves First Generic Enoxaparin Sodium Injection. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Interactions with Enoxaparin. University of Maryland Medical Center.

Lovenox (enoxaparin): A patient’s guide. University of Utah.
