Articles for tag: Benefits of Fish Oil, Fish Oil Capsules, Fish Oil Supplements

Karla News

Side Effects of Fish Oil Supplements

Fish oil supplements can be good sources of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D when used correctly. However, too much of this good thing can prove to be counterproductive. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has established the safe level of fish oil consumption at no more than three grams per day. When consumed in ...

Karla News

Are You Getting Enough Fish Oil Daily?

You already know the importance of omega-3 fatty acids such as those found in fish oil; but how much fish oil a day do you really need to get the benefits? A new study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology helps to answer this question. Researchers compiled data from more than ...

Karla News

The 5 Best Brands of Fish Oil Supplements

Omega-3 fatty acids are one of the best things a person could have in their body. These fatty acids help you have a healthier heart and could possibly lead to a longer life. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in most kinds of fish. There are a lot of people out there that don’t like eating ...

Top 5 Fish Oil Supplements

Are you looking for a way to promote better heart health and decrease the risk of heart disease? Do you want to maintain healthy triglyceride levels? Do you want your joint health to be maintained? Then consider taking fish oil supplements. There are dozens of fish supplements out on the market, but do you know ...

Karla News

Does Fish Oil Help You Lose Weight?

Does fish oil help you lose weight? The answer to that question is not clear cut. According to Fitness RX magazine, fish oil does not promote weight loss in obese or overweight middle-aged men or women. They cite a six month study out of the Cooper Institute in Dallas that found Omega-3m fatty acid or ...

Top 5 Fish Oil Supplement Brands

Fish oil is a nutrient that is very important to our health, and for those who do not eat fish we can get our dose of Omega-3 in the form of a fish oil supplement. Not all fish oil supplements are the same however, with some being more natural and better for us than others. ...