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Should You Worry About a Long Menstrual Cycle?

Menstrual, Menstrual Bleeding

You may have heard that the normal menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days. If your menstrual cycle lasts longer than that, you might believe that your menstrual cycle is abnormal somehow, or that this is a sign that you are suffering from some hidden medical condition.

But, while it is true that the average menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days, that is not necessarily the normal menstrual cycle for everyone. Like most things, the menstrual cycle differs from one woman to the next. The average menstrual cycle might last for 28 days, but it’s perfectly normal for your menstrual cycle to be shorter or longer than that. In fact, some women can have a menstrual cycle that lasts for as little as 21 days, while others women can have a long menstrual cycle that lasts as much as 35 days.

So having a menstrual cycle that is longer than the average is perfectly normal for some women. But there are times when a long menstrual cycle could be cause for concern.

How Long Is Your Menstrual Cycle?

If you are not sure how long your menstrual cycle is, here is a way to figure it out.

On a calendar, make a note on the day when your period (menstrual bleeding) begins. This is the first day of your menstrual cycle.

Make a note on the day before your next period begins. That is the end of your menstrual cycle.

Now, count up the days. The total is your menstrual cycle.

But don’t stop there. Continue to keep track of your menstrual cycle. Just because your last menstrual cycle lasted for 29 days doesn’t mean your next one will. It could’ve been an aberration. You need to keep track of your menstrual cycles for several months to pinpoint the true, normal length of your menstrual cycle.

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Once you are pretty sure how long your menstrual cycle is, you want to continue to keep track of your cycle so you’ll immediately be aware of any changes. You can also use a menstrual cycle calendar to help schedule activities around your period.

When a Long Menstrual Cycle Is Cause for Concern

After keeping a menstrual calendar for a few months, you might find that a long menstrual cycle (one that lasts more than 28 days) is normal for you. However, if your menstrual cycle lasts for more than 35 days, you should consult your physician. This could be a sign of a serious medical condition.

If a long menstrual cycle is a sudden occurrence for you, you should also consult your doctor. However, a change in the length of your menstrual cycle is often nothing to worry about.

For many women, a long menstrual cycle is perfectly normal. However, if you are still worried, see your doctor. They will be able to determine whether or not your long menstrual cycle is a sign of a more serious condition that requires medical treatment.
