Articles for tag: Headache Medicine, Headache Relief, Menstrual, Menstrual Migraines

Karla News

Home Remedies for Menstrual Migraines

Menstrual cycles are the curse of women. These monthly cycles can be pain-free for some lucky women. Unfortunately, according to WebMD, more than 60 to 70% of women report that their migraines are related to their menstrual cycle. A common topic of conversation isn’t usually how much pain you suffer during your menstrual cycle. Who ...

Karla News

Natural Relief from Menstrual Migraines

As a regular migraine suffer I know what a pain in the head they can be and especially around and during my menstrual cycle. Menstrual migraines cause nausea, vomiting, head pains, blurred vision, and chills, but you do not have to suffer from the symptoms menstrual migraines can cause. I know I don’t and have ...

Should You Worry About a Long Menstrual Cycle?

You may have heard that the normal menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days. If your menstrual cycle lasts longer than that, you might believe that your menstrual cycle is abnormal somehow, or that this is a sign that you are suffering from some hidden medical condition. But, while it is true that the average menstrual ...

Menstrual Cramp Relief for Teens

Menstrual cramp is irritating and painful. Period! We, as older women are aware of the nagging pain every month. Always on schedule like the bills; menstrual cramp is a part and parcel of every woman’s life. But remember when you first had it? Menstrual periods can be light and easy for some teens and young ...