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Seasonique Birth Control Pill Review

Painful Periods, Pms Symptoms

As someone who suffers from endometriosis, finding the right birth control pill can be a challenge. A birth control pill which reduces the length, heaviness and painfulness of my menstrual period is important. My doctor suggested Seasonique, a birth control pill which allows you to get your period once every three months – or four times a year. She explained that it is perfectly safe because there is no medical reason to have a menstrual period while on the birth control pill, as you do not get a “real” period. Here is my review of the Seasonique birth control pill after being on it for about six months.

Seasonique Birth Control Pill Pros:

Fewer Periods – Having less periods is undoubtedly one of the main benefits of Seasonique. It can be ideal for anyone who experiences a lot of pain during menstruation. The Seasonique birth control pill is also ideal for scheduling vacations or honeymoons during a time when you will not have a period.

Reduction in PMS Symptoms – While I did experience PMS symptoms during the first three months of taking Seasonique, the symptoms reduced when I began taking the next three months. I feel a lot less moody now during the months between periods. I’ve also found that I no longer become bloated or get cramps during the off months.

Shorter, Lighter Periods – Because of endometriosis, I am naturally prone to a nine day menstrual period which remains heavy the entire time. Most birth control pills reduce this to five to seven days for me. On Seasonique, my menstrual periods last three to five days and are much lighter than they have been on any other birth control pill I’ve tried out.

– Seasonique boasts a 99% effectiveness rate when taken as instructed. Like other birth control pills, it is important to take Seasonique at the same time every day.

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Seasonique Birth Control Pill Cons:

Side Effects – The most common side effect of the Seasonique birth control pill is spotting in between periods, which may be as heavy as a menstrual period. I did experience this side effect during the first three months, but it has not since been a problem. I also experienced mild nausea and moderate breast tenderness when I first started taking Seasonique.

Cost – When purchasing Seasonique, you must fill three months at a time. Depending on your insurance coverage, this can be costly. On the other hand, you only need to fill the birth control pill once every three months, which can be ideal convenience-wise. Seasonique may be even less expensive, depending on how much you were paying for other birth control pills.

The Seasonique birth control pill can be an ideal option for anyone who suffers from long, heavy or painful periods. If you and your doctor determine that this birth control pill is the right method of contraception for you, it is important to be aware of any side effects that you experience. Like other birth control pills, Seasonique increases the risk of blood clots – especially among women who are 35 and smoke cigarettes. For more information on this birth control pill, visit the Seasonique FAQ.