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Sambucol Black Elderberry Dietary Supplement

Elderberries, Elderberry

I really didn’t know what to expect; I had only vaguely heard of black elderberry (or berries?) and wasn’t familiar with this fruit.

Will it be nasty? Will it work?

I was pleasantly surprised, for the product exceeded all my expectations and put to rest any trepidations.

Did you know that black elderberry is a centuries-old herbal remedy? It’s even been traced back to prehistoric times and ancient Egypt.

Historians generally trace the traditional use of the elderberry back to Hippocrates, the ancient Greek known as the Father of Medicine. He described this plant as his “medicine chest”.

Black elderberry has been used for medicinal (to boost immunity and prevent various diseases and ailments) AND edible purposes throughout time; the Sambucol product line (first developed in 1991 by a virologist, produced from whole black elderberries, and you get the equivalent of 1,000 elderberries in every 120 ml. bottle) carries on that tradition with a fabulous variety for your particular taste or preference.

My recent acquisition of the Original, Sugar Free and Immune Formulas and Tablets produced the following results:

I tried Sambucol Original Formula first. It’s available in two sizes, 4 oz.., which retails for $12.99, and the 7.8 oz. one, retail price $21.99.

This has a very intense and tasty flavor, like a blend of fresh grape jam or jelly and berries. It’s in a syrup format.

The Sugar Free and Immune Formulas, plus Sambucol For Kids, also come in a 4 oz. size, retail price $12.99 (for each one). The kids’ formula is specially formulated for children age two and up.

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Sugar Free’s also available in the bigger 7 oz. size, retails for $27.99.

I noticed a variation in taste, depending on the formula type. The Sugar Free wasn’t quite as intense as the Original and had a thinner consistency (Just be careful as you’re taking this; you don’t want all the contents spilling out!).

The Immune Formula has a slightly different taste, but will still remind you of grape jam or berries. There’s Vitamin C and Zinc added.

The Cold and Flu Relief Tablets ($12.99, retail price) also provide fast relief from: runny noses, sore throats, coughing, chills and fever, and sneezing. They come 30 to a pack with an unique homeopathic formulation. And they quickly dissolve in your mouth without chewing-no water needed! These tablets have a very subtle and light berry taste to them.

Sambucol’s Immune Tablets ($12.99) also are in a pack of 30 and can be used the same way. Like its counterpart in syrup form, these are fortified with Vitamin C and Zinc. There’s no artificial color, either. And these are suitable for those on a Kosher diet!

The Original Tablets (also $12.99) have the same intense taste as the original formula, is also chewable or can be dissolved slowly.

You even have the option of taking all of these products by daily maintenance or by intensive use (recommended doses are listed on the package and bottle). And while it’s early in the winter season, I can say that I DO feel a lot better since taking Sambucol; my system feels “fortified!

The Sambucol product line is available nationwide at major retailers, including health food stores like Vitamin Shoppe, pharmacy chains such as Rite Aid, Walgreens and CVS, independent drug stores, and online at www.drugstore.com . And they are often at sale or reduced prices! Go to www.sambucol.com for complete store availability and more information.

See also  Elderberry, the Peoples Medicine Chest
