Articles for tag: Ancient Egypt, Ancient Egyptians, Egyptian Mythology

Karla News

Egyptian Exhibits in Chicago

Egypt’s ancient culture is fascinating to learn about. There are two great exhibitions in Chicago that can enlighten you about life in Egypt 5,000 years ago. The Field Museum has an ancient tomb, mummies, and artifacts, along with fascinating ancient mythology. The Alder Planetarium projects a simulation of the starry skies as they would have ...

Karla News

The Structure and Culture of Ancient Egypt

The structure and culture of ancient Egypt stands unmatched in its success and longevity. Although the empire eventually collapsed, the Egyptian people made huge contributions to African history that are still studied in great detail today. When a kingdom such as the ancient Egyptian empire experiences such success, mankind must take a closer look at ...

Karla News

A History of Cosmetics in Ancient Egypt

The very first people to use cosmetics, at least that we can tell from archaeological evidence, were the Ancient Egyptians, who were slathering their faces with great zeal as early as 4,000 BC. The Egyptians were known for painting their lips either a vibrant shade of red or a kind of bluey-black color. It’s quite ...

Karla News

The Lady Pharaoh

The Mighty pharaohs ruled Ancient Egypt the same as Kings and Queens ruled other countries around the world. The pharaohs were mighty warriors and went to battle to protect their kingdom. Ancient Egypt was a powerful country and many civilizations feared them. Pharaohs were more than just rulers they were considered to be nswt, in ...

Karla News

Ancient Egypt: Government, Society, Legacy

Ancient Egypt was governed by a Pharaoh, he–or in very rare cases she–was not only king but a god. He was referred to as the”Son of Re”. This means he was a direct descendant of the Sun god. At the end of their lives Pharaohs went through many spiritual ceremonies to see if they were ...

Karla News

The Role of Women in Ancient Egypt

Compared to most other ancient civilizations, the role of women in Egypt was fairly “liberated”. The role of women went far beyond the queens we know today- Nefertiti and Cleopatra, to name two. “Unlike the position of women in most other ancient civilizations, including that of Greece, the Egyptian woman seems to have enjoyed the ...

Karla News

Leisure Activities in Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egypt, indoor and outdoor games were at the heart of the Egyptians daily social life. Children played with dolls and home-made toys, and both young and old took part in simple ball games. Adults occupied their leisure time by playing board games, while the nobility enjoyed hunting and entertaining at lavish banquets. Thousands ...

Karla News

Governments Throughout the Middle Ages

The Middle Ages of civilization were rife with turmoil, war, and political unrest. Feudalism was the main form of government present during these centuries. However, both the Church and monarchies played a very important role in the concurrent events of the Middle Ages as well. Therefore, it is my opinion that ancient Egypt had the ...

Karla News

Cats in Cultures – Ancient Egypt

Everyone knows that the ancient Egyptians worshipped cats. It was in ancient Egypt that the first cats were domesticated, and the Egyptians were the first people to keep cats in their homes. It is believed that the modern day domesticated cats are closely related to the African wild cat (felis silvestris-libyca), who is slightly larger ...