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Safe Video Websites for Children

Children enjoy watching and creating online videos just as much as adults do, although we must protect our children from online predators, bullies and inappropriate content. There are websites that are moderated so that children can communicate with others around the world and watch or create videos. Some children may create their own pretend newscasts, have dance videos with their stuffed animals or even sing to their favorite music.

One fun and safe website for children to watch and create their videos is KidsTube. It is monitored each day, and each content is reviewed before being released to the website. The staff of KidsTube have children or grandchildren of their own who also care about their family’s safety-which inspired the idea of KidsTube. Any messages that the young members of KidsTube send amongst each other is also monitored -making sure nothing and nobody strange is trying to contact the children. In a way, it’s almost like an online virtual playground-with the outside monitor watching everybody behind the scenes. Each week, KidsTube holds contests that children can participate in, and create their own videos. They are voted on by the community. Some of the prizes that are given to the winners include MP3 players, t-shirts, and video cameras. When the prizes are mailed to the winners, the addresses are not sold anywhere else or kept.

Another moderated video website for children is Totlol. Totlol was created by YouTube, but yet is closely monitored and rated every day by parents. While it is a safe community, in July of 2009, it no longer became a free website. There are membership fees that must be paid to be a member. Fees are $3/month, $18/year or pay a full $54. Totlol pays attention to their member’s age as well. There are different parts of the website that are available to certain ages and ease of use as well. A five year old child may not be able to see some of the same videos that perhaps a fourteen year old may be able to see. A younger child’s interface will be easier to operate than a tween’s interface.

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For some fun music videos, children may visit KidzBop. KidzBop features fun music the kids may sing and dance along too, webcasts that are created by other children, and fun contests. Children can also be creative and make their own webshows too. For groups of kids, they can have their own dance parties and dance along to the music to KidzBop tunes. For parents who are concerned about their children’s safety, KidzBop is also a moderated community. All of the videos are screened before publishing to the website. All videos are screened to be sure the child does not identify themselves or tell where they are. If any of the rules are broken or a child identifies themselves, emails are sent to the parents explaining why a video was flagged and not uploaded. An alert is also sent to the child’s account as well.

So if your child likes to be creative and have fun in front of the webcam, there are safe communities that allow them to share their shows. Children can also socialize with other children online and be safe as well. As a parent though, it is important that you keep track of all of your child’s activities online and on the computer. Always keep the computer in an area where you can keep a close eye on them, and check the history of their surfing each day. While its important that you as a parent keep your child safe online, there are websites that are taking steps to keep them safe as well.

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