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Signs of Difficult Whelping in Female Dogs

Inertia, Signs of Labor, Whelping

Usually, whelping or giving birth in dogs is a rapid and problem-free affair. The notable exceptions to this rule are when the mother dog has a large head and a narrow pelvis, such as a pug or English bulldog. These breeds cannot whelp naturally and need to go to the vet for a Caesarian section.

But trouble can still arise even in the healthiest of mother dogs, especially for first-time mothers that aren’t quite sure of what is going on, except that they are in a lot of pain. Here’s how to know when to call the vet.

Time Frame

Dogs can take a long time from their first stage of labor until they lick the last puppy. But once the water breaks and she is actively straining, labor has started. There should be a puppy in the birth canal. Call a vet if 45 minutes go by of this active straining and no puppy appears. It could be stuck. If the mother dog’s straining is accompanied by strange discharge or if your instinct tells you, pick up the phone at 30 minutes of no puppies.

If the mother has delivered one or more pups but is making every indication that more are on the way, time this. According to “Dog Owner’s Veterinary Handbook” (Howell Book House; 2007) if more than four hours of active staining and bearing down goes by between pups, call the vet. But if the mother is exhausted and gives up after two hours, make the call.


In a normal birth, first a greenish fluid membrane is expelled, followed almost immediately by a puppy. That sack is the placenta. Sometimes the puppy comes out and the placenta doesn’t. This can cause serious health problems later on for the mother later on as the placenta inside her dies and begins to rot.

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But during the act of whelping, if a really bad smelling rush of bloody or black fluid comes out, this could be a sign of a hemorrhage. Get the mother and pups to an emergency clinic as soon as possible.

If the mother dog pushes out ivy green or heavy amounts of blood before the first puppy appears and time goes by and the first puppy still doesn’t show, this also may also be an emergency. The puppy may be stuck in the birth canal.

No Labor Signs

The average gestation for any domestic dog is 63 days, although puppies have been successfully whelped at 65 days. But if your records indicate that the mother dog is over 65 days pregnant and not showing any signs of labor, then the mother dog may be suffering from uterine inertia.

There are many causes of uterine inertia, including a really large litter, traumatic events happening in the household or a calcium deficiency. The puppies need to come out immediately or they and their mother may die. This should be treated as a medical emergency.


“Dog Owner’s Veterinary Handbook.” Deborah M. Eldredge, DVM, et al. Howell Book House; 2007.

The Veterinarians’ Guide to Your Dog’s Symptoms.” Michael S. Garvey, DVM., et al. Villard; 1999.

Dog Breed Info. “Whelping Puppies.” http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/whelping.htm

The Pet Center. “Whelping and Dystocia: When to Call the Veterinarian.” http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/whentocall.html
