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Running and Active Isolated Stretching

Stretching Exercises

Running And Active Isolated Stretching

There is no question about the fact that running is a difficult sport and that our performance suffers if we overdo it. The fact that stretching affects our joints and our muscles and that it is an important and integral part of regular exercise has been proven by a remarkable number of scientific research conducted over the past decade.

A critical tool in the repertoire of a runner, stretching keep your body in top running condition and plays an important role in the promotion of optimal stride technique and in the prevention of injuries. But to enjoy the benefits of stretching a runner has to follow a program that is especially designed for this particular sport.

Experience and many studies have shown that traditional stretching exercises such as stretching before exercising and performing stretches that are not specific to a specific sport may cause more harm than good. It has also been found that the traditional practices of stretching can, in fact, hurt performance and increase the risk of injury. This has resulted in the abandoning of many such traditional stretching exercises.

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS)

Active Isolated Stretching is a set of twelve running specific stretch exercises designed to help you improve your running performance. These exercises are selected to tone up the key muscles that are involved in the process of running and give you an optimal running stride. The muscle imbalances that lead to running related injuries are corrected.

The technique was developed by a kinesio-therapist, Aaron Mattes. The technique provides athletes a safe way of attaining suppleness of the muscles associated with running without causing long-term damage. It was discovered by Aaron that prolonged static stretching decreases the flow of blood within the tissues and builds up lactic acid. This is liable to cause injury or irritation of the muscle tissues, similar to the effects of trauma.

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The technique involves the stretching of the muscles for periods of just two seconds and it works with the body’s natural physiological makeup and improves the elasticity of the muscles and blood circulation. This method of Active Isolated Stretching provides maximum benefits and can be done without opposing tension or resulting in trauma.

Active Isolated Stretching has not only benefitted runners but also in the treatment of scoliosis that involves stretching the muscles of the pelvis, hips, neck and trunk. Stretching by itself will not stabilize or change the structure and the use of seat belts for stabilization has been found to be of great assistance.

Though Carpal Tunnel syndrome, a common syndrome among computer professionals, secretaries and other people who do repetitive movements have benefitted largely by using this technique. Special stretching techniques have been developed for this particular ailment. So also can hamstrings be effectively cured. Over the years thousands of such people have obtained relief without resorting to surgery of any kind.

As such Active Isolated Stretching has been found to be effective in the relief of a variety of muscle related problems mainly in the area of running, playing golf and also in low back problems. Each set of muscles requires a specific set of stretching methods. Specifically in relation to running, AIS has proved itself to be especially effective. The body’s cardiovascular system is better able to oxygenate the blood lowering the rate at which fatigue sets in.