Articles for tag: Bowel Movements, Diaper Rash Ointment

Karla News

Understanding Your Newborn’s Bowel Movements

Your newborn is crying – you have fed it, you have given it some love, and it is still crying. It must be a dirty diaper! You make your way to the changing table and get ready to take care of business. Then, you pop off the diaper, and there is the most amazing color ...

Common Causes of Oily Diarrhea

There are many causes of oily bowel movements in children and adults. Individuals can identify oily bowel movements by noticing oil droplets floating in the toilet water, stools with white or yellow fatty components, stools that float (due to the large oil component) or even orange waxy bowel movements. As discussed below, oily bowel movements ...

Karla News

Why Am I Constipated?

One of the most uncomfortable conditions that one person can suffer from is constipation. I personally have that problem, and I know how unpleasant can be. Constipation’s definition is simple and well known: the impossibility of having enough bowel movements. When we don’t go to the bathroom enough, we feel bloated, full and even we ...

Karla News

Black Poop and Its Causes

Talking about the color, shape and consistency of bowel movements may not be a subject that many people talk about on a regular basis, but it is sometimes necessary, especially when health is involved. Although the color of a normal bowel movement varies depending on what a person eats, a majority of people are used ...

Constipation: Causes, Signs, and Symptoms

In layman’s term, constipation is difficulty in bowel movements or infrequent bowel movements. A one-time difficulty in bowel movement does not necessarily mean that a person is constipated. If however a person finds himself straining during a bowel movement more than 25% of the time, has observed hard stools more than 25% of the time, ...

How Depression Can Cause Constipation

Depression can cause constipation. However, if your depression has caused constipation, you may not even know it. The information you’re about to read is based on my mother’s constipation, and how her depression led up to it. First of all, a person with major depression typically abandons their usual eating habits. Most people, actually, don’t ...

Karla News

Bowel Movements of the Breastfed Newborn

Congratulations on your newborn baby! Newborns have simple needs: love, mother’s milk and clean diapers. For the first few weeks of life bowel movements can be very exciting both for baby and parents. Breastfed babies have very different pooping patterns from formula fed babies. Here’s a quick primer on bowel movements in the breastfed baby ...

Karla News

Black, Tarry Bowel Movements, Causes and Treatment

Having black bowel movements that are foul smelling can be extremely upsetting to anyone. However black bowel movements can be caused by everything from dietary supplements such as iron, blood in the stool and in some cases even diet changes. Melena is black tarry bowel movements and caused by blood in the stool which indicates ...

Karla News

Baby Poop: What’s Normal– and What’s Not

There weren’t many things that surprised me about parenting when my daughter was a baby. But baby poop-such an everyday part of life as a diaper-changing mama-actually surprised me. Plenty of moms go into motherhood without being sure of what’s normal (and what’s not) among baby poops. Here’s what you can expect of a healthy ...