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Reviewing Ursuline Academy in Dedham, MA

Christian Service, College Preparation

Ursuline Academy , in Dedham, MA offers young women in the greater Boston area a chance to make a substantive choice about the kind of secondary school education they wish to receive. There are many excellent public schools in the Boston area but there are also some public schools at which education is no longer top notch. Parents and their daughters often begin the search early to determine how and where to go to receive the kind of education that will prepare them for college in the kind of school community that will help them to develop as human beings. For many this search takes them to Catholic Girls Schools in the Boston area, for some the search ends at Ursuline Academy in Dedham, MA

The Ursuline OrderUrsuline Academy in Dedham MA is a Catholic, preparatory school for girls in grades 7-12. This single gender, Catholic oriented institution may be seen by some today as very conservative and highly old fashioned. But this is a school that is historically rooted in bringing about changes. The Ursuline order of Religious Women was started almost 500 years ago by a woman religious who was appalled at the lack of education that was available to young girls especially among the lower economic class in Europe. She took it upon herself to make it her mission to change that situation and to work with other women so inclined to reach out to meet the needs of women, especially the poor, to provide them with the fullest education possible.

In the 16th Century such a venture was almost unheard of. In fact the Ursuline Order became the first religious order of women to serve as a teaching order. This order itself was innovative in that it threw aside old conventions and worked to educate women holistically not just in domestic skills. The Ursuline Order was also revolutionary in that it did not house itself in the traditional convent setting. Members of the order lived in their own homes and gathered together only for congregational worship and prayer while working full time to spread education among women.

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Today the Ursuline order continues its two pronged approach by attempting to provide a complete education for young women and to do so in a way that is innovative and open to change. It is this Ursuline order and this tradition that dominates the education offered at Ursuline Academy in Dedham,MA

Ursuline Academy in Boston Area. The Ursuline sisters taught in the Boston area as far back as the early 1800’s . Unfortunately, as a result of anti Catholic prejudice the Sisters were forced to leave the area before mid century. In the mid 1900’s members of the Ursuline order were invited back to form a school in Boston by then Cardinal Cushing. This time they were welcomed with open arms. The school grew to capacity and 1957 the sisters purchased a 28 acre estate in Dedham, MA which they turned into the beginning of today’s Ursuline Academy. The school as changed with the times but continues to provide college preparation against a Catholic background.

What Defines Ursuline Academics If you are reviewing Ursuline Academy you will quickly discover that Ursuline offers up to date curriculum that will prepare you for college exams and for college course work. Ursuline is a college preparatory school. But there are two other factors that define Ursuline. First, in addition to standard academic courses , Ursuline students also take a course in religion four times a week throughout their time at Ursuline. There is no doubt that you are attending a Catholic High School. Girls leave here firmly grounded in the faith and prepared to live as young Catholic adults. Grounding in religious education is considered an integral and very important part of the full education of young women students here.

Secondly there is a great deal of attention given to putting th academic faith learned into action. Students are encouraged throughout the year to complete hours of Christian service . For the younger students a full thirty hours of Christian Service must be completed during the school year. For Juniors and Seniors forty hours each year are part of the curriculum. No young woman attending Ursuline will leave that school without a thorough understanding of the importance of Christian Service in ones daily Christian living.

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What defines Ursuline Academics is that religion and service are assigned an importance similar to other academic subjects. They are considered very important parts of the full development of the person.

Activities at Ursuline Academy. Just because Ursuline Academy is a a girls Catholic High School does not mean that it lacks for fun. Athletics are especially strong at Ursuline. Girls participate among themselves but also engage in inter scholastic competitive sports. Despite the relatively small numbers of students enrolled in Ursuline Academy the school makes an effort to offer its girls a real cross section of sports. There are the traditional sports like soccer, basketball and softball, but at Ursuline you can also find sports that are more frequently found in larger public schools like golf, volleyball, swimming and even ice hockey. No one with a healthy interest in sports should doubt the availability of a solid athletic program in which to grow and develop your skills at Ursuline Academy

Nor is there a shortage of clubs at Ursuline Academy in Dedham, MA. Clubs seem to respond to the local interests of the girls. As in most traditional high schools there are clubs for academic subjects like Math Club and French Club. There are also clubs for special interests like Yearbook, Speech, music and drama. Student Council and Honor Society are also found on the list of active clubs at Ursuline. As a student you will find that between your academic responsibilities, service requirements, athletic options and clubs there is seldom much down time for those who attend Ursuline Academy.

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Student Body So just who does go to Ursuline Academy? Certainly it is a girls school and it is a Catholic School, while there are no male students admitted its is important to note that Ursuline welcomes all girls regardless of race ,creed or nationality. While the clear majority of those in attendance are Catholic, religion is not a requirement for admission. Ursuline, according to their own advertisement is looking to recruit young women of “promise”.

Students gain admission through an application process which includes an exam administered at Ursuline Academy, teacher recommendations and a previous school record. Some girls find their way here because their moms are Ursuline Alums. Some come here because of they have learned about the school from older friends or in parochial schools. But many get their first introduction to Ursuline Academy at the annual Open House which this year will be held on October 28, 2007 from 1-4 p.m. If that date is inconvenient you can always call the school to arrange for a school tour or an interview with those in charge of admissions.

If you are looking for a large urban school, if you are looking for a co-ed school, if you are looking for a school that has nothing to do with faith or service, don’t look to Ursuline Academy to fill your needs. Ursuline Academy continues to offer private, faith based, college preparatory education for young women in the greater Boston Area and its congregation of successful alums gives testimony to its success.
