Karla News

Review of Foster’s Lager Beer


When we think of Australia we think of many stereotypes, perhaps with good reason. They do have kangaroos, they have beaches packed with surfers, and it’s certainly a wild place. One thing that does not come to mind however, is a tradition of brewing excellence. So when advertisements for Foster’s Lager play on the television and tout the label as “Australian for beer,” I’m never impressed. Despite this glaring problem, the product is for sale nearly everywhere. I see it in specialty beer shops, in bottles and sometimes cans at bars, and even at standard side of the road fueling stations. Though by now I should certainly know better, the fact that it is so widely distributed led me to believe that surely there is something about this beer that would please a beer loving dude like me. After a few cold Foster’s cans however, I’m sad to report that the findings were less than stellar.

Foster’s Lager has a decent alcohol content at 5%. The pour on the beer is a fizzy yellow that forms some sort of head, but the appearance is really rather unappetizing. It reminds me of so many uninspired American adjunct beers and I wonder why anyone would pay extra money to have this stuff shipped all the way from Australia. Just from looking into the pint glass it’s evident that this beer is incredibly carbonated, which is a sure sign that the manufacturer is trying to cover up the lack of taste the tongue is assuredly set to experience. True to form, Foster’s delivers no distinguishable flavors. Its only saving grace is that it lacks that revolting metallic tinge present in its American counterparts, which isn’t exactly a reason to praise it, but kudos to them for leaving out whatever artificial ingredients are responsible for that abomination to taste buds everywhere. The mouth feel is pretty light, largely due to the aforementioned abundance of carbonation. Overall it’s rather watery and seems to be a great beer choice for folks who just plain don’t like beer. If a huge can and funny advertisements are your criteria for a solid brew, give this a shot. Otherwise, I recommend trying out something else.