Review: Dr. Sears Zone OmegaRx Patented Omega-3 EPA/DHA Concentrate


Omega-3 fatty acids have been linked with helping to increase energy, boost intelligence, increase focus, and helping to prevent chronic illness. Now, Dr. Barry Sears, founder of the Zone Diet and world-renowned omega-3 research scientist, has revealed that omega-3 may act as a weight-loss helper by controlling systemic inflammation, an accelerant to weight gain.

The OmegaRx Patented Omega-3 EPA/DHA Concentrate are coated capsules of pure, concentrated fish oil. The pills have no unpleasant odor, nor unpleasant taste.

Serving size is four capsules, taken once daily. Calories are thirty-five per serving, Ingredients are 4000 mg of fish oil concentrate, 1600 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA,) and 800 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per serving. Other ingredients include gelatin, glycerin, natural flavor, mixed tocopherals, and citric acid.


I began taking fish oil supplements several months ago based on claims of increased focus and increased energy. I switched to the Dr. Sears OmegaRx Patented Omega-3 EPA/DHA Concentrate based on a recommendation from a friend, who also shared the weight loss enhancement claims. (It’s always a plus to have a little booster in maintaining a healthy weight!)

While I cannot speak much about the weight loss (I’ve maintained, but no loss as of yet,) I can tout increased focus and increased energy from this particular supplement. I did not have the same result with other fish oil supplements taken, which makes this little gem worth the extra cost.

While I’m not leaping tall buildings in a single bound, I am feeling a kick in my energy and awareness levels. This is a particularly great effect for me as I struggle with thyroid issues daily which threaten to keep my energy levels at ground level.

On the negative side, taking four pills a day in addition to my regular vitamin supplements and thyroid medication is a bit of a challenge. However, the positive effects make the decision a little easier.

According to the manufacturer, eight capsules a day may help increase weight loss. Personally, I don’t have the desire to add four more pills to my daily dose, but for those who need a real weight loss boost, this may be the ticket.

Another drawback is the supplement can only be purchased online at or by calling a Zone Living Professional at (800) 404-8171. This will result in dealing with pitches or viewing information about the Zone Diet Plan.


If you have allergies, this product contains fish ingredients and soybean oil. The product is also processed in a facility which also processes soy, dairy, egg, wheat, and peanut butter products.


Available in both liquid and capsule form, the cost per bottle ranges from $40 to $65


Take four capsules daily before a meal. OmegaRx is an ultra-refined fish oil supplement containing long-chain omega-3 essential fatty acids to be used in conjunction with the Zone dietary program.


– available in capsule or liquid form

– has a patented formulation to inhibit enzymes that promote inflammation while providing powerful anti-oxidant protection

– has 60% DHA and EPA per dosage, compared to the standard 30% for other fish oil brands

– is thoroughly tested by the International Fish Oil Standards Program (

– free of mercury, as verified by the International Fish Oil Standards Program

– is made from the environmentally friendly, renewable resource of small, cold-water fish caught in Artic and Antarctic waters


If you are looking for a fish oil supplement that delivers a boost of your energy levels and increased ability to focus-Yes! As for weight loss, I cannot speak personally regarding this recommendation, but there are a number of success stories on the Zone Living website.

THE BOTTOM LINE:Good investment in your health. If you are in the market for an Omega-3 supplement, this is a quality product.

Karla News

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