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Alternative Uses for Alka Seltzer

Alka Seltzer

“Pop Pop Fizz Fizz-Oh what a relief it is”— is no longer associated with only personal relief due to upset stomach, colds, and hangovers anymore.

What… there are some of you out there who do not know to what 80’s reference to which I am referring? I recommend watching more Vh -1.

Alka Seltzer is no longer only used to be consumed in a juice glass full of water. It can also be used in several other ways.

Alternative Ways to Use Alka Seltzer- drain freeze

Well, it does not actually freeze the drain, but it can unclog one. Safely. Drop three tablets down the drain, and run some hot water. After a minute or two… depends on how long it takes the water to run hot, almost scalding hot, turn off the water. Let the tablets fizz for fifteen minutes and then rinse clear. No more clogged drain. This works in a pinch when you are out of regular drain cleaner and you have just bathed two longhaired dogs.

Alternative Ways to Use Alka Seltzer- speaking of bathrooms…

Alka Seltzer can also be used to clean a toilet in a hurry. Drop two tablets in the toilet bowl, and wait fifteen minutes. Scrub the bowl once and walk away. My friend keeps a box of Alka Seltzer in her medicine cabinet just for this reason. Okay, to me that would get expensive to only clean the toilet with this, but she prefers it to be handy for a quick clean in case of uninvited, unannounced, surprise guests… mainly her mother in law.

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Alternative Ways to Use Alka Seltzer- reach for the stars

Alka Seltzer can build rockets for kids. Talk about cool. Fill an empty film canister half way full with warm water. (You have made the switch to digital and have no film canisters? Stop by your local Wal Mart... ask for some empties in the film department. They will give you a bag full. Even more if this is for a school or community project.)

Place a half tablet in the warm water. Snap on the lid, and place the canister upside down on the sidewalk or driveway… or playground. (Please do not do this inside.) Step back and watch your rocket blast off. Maybe not as far as the stars…

Alternative Ways to Use Alka Seltzer- all around town

Actually, Alka Seltzer can be an all around cleaner. If you find yourself out of Simple Green or whatever cleaning solution you normally use, do you need to panic? No, not at all. Take down a juice glass, fill with water, and pop in three tablets. Dip a sponge in the water and voila… instant sparkle and shine in your kitchen and bath. You can even place some in your sink and use as mop water. Just add five tablets to one half gallon of water.

Since these are speedy ways to get your home in order as well as providing children’s entertainment and education… all fifteen minutes before your mother in law walks through the door for a week long unplanned visit…

Alternative Ways to Use Alka Seltzer- sparkling pretty

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Alka Seltzer can clean jewelry, you know the new necklace your husband bought you the last time this happened. In addition, the bracelet, and earrings, he surprised you with for the time before that… Fill a bowl with water and drop in two tablets. While the tablets are fizzing away, detangle your jewelry. Place in the bowl for a minute or two… remove for sparkling jewelry once again.

Imagine the jewelry you are going to be gifted with this time, after this visit. Pop Pop Fizz Fizz can take on a completely new meaning.

What a relief that can be!