Karla News

Review: Children’s Pepto

Stomach Problems

A couple of days ago, just before it was time for her to go to bed, my oldest daughter started to complain of an upset stomach. And, after two trips to the bathroom in about 20 minutes, I was a bit afraid she wasn’t going to get any sleep at all.

I was just about to give up and prepare myself for a night of her getting out of bed every few minutes when my wife remembered we had an un-opened container of Children’s Pepto. And, after some discussion, we decided to give this to her.

I don’t remember when exactly when we got this product. In fact, I think it is something that my parents bought for her originally and we just never used. But, when we gave this to her, I had some serious doubts about it. The reason for this is I have tried Pepto myself quite a few different times and, while it does work on occasion, it has never proven itself as a reliable product; at least to me. So, when we gave this to my daughter, I really wasn’t expecting it to do too much for her, at least with just one dose (I figured I would have to give it to her again in a couple of hours before we saw any real results).

However, after trying it, I have to admit it did surprise me.

First of all, this is a medicine my daughter had no problem taking. I can’t tell you the number of times we have had to fight her to take any sort of medicine because she didn’t like the taste (something, fortunately, we have yet to experience with her younger sister). Simply put, if the medicine doesn’t taste good, we might as well forget about her taking it. With this product, however, she chewed the tablets without complaint.

See also  Natural Home Remedies for Common Stomach Problems

More important is the fact they worked. The medicine didn’t cure her stomach problems with one dose; she had issues the next day too. But, it did give her enough relief where she was able to sleep through the night without any accidents. That’s really all we were looking for.

If you have kids, I recommend taking the time to buy this product and keep it in your medicine cabinet. As I said before, I had my doubts. But, it did manage to prove itself to me and I would buy it again.