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Natural Remedies for Sinus Congestion

Congestion, Sinus Congestion, Sinus Pain, Sinuses

I deal with sinus congestion. It does not happen on a regular basis, but there are some days that I really wish someone had invented a vacuum for the nasal passages and sinus cavities. (That person would probably be rich by now!) Runny eyes, not able to breathe, and just feeling plan miserable – having sinus congestion issues is just not fun at all.

So what in the world causes an individual to have sinus congestion? There are multiple triggers that inflame the nasal passages and the sinuses. Some of these triggers include pollen, cigarette smoke, dust, cold germs, and exhaust fumes from cars, trucks, buses and lawn mowers. Even being in a dry atmosphere will trigger sinus congestion, which was very surprising to me. These triggers bother the nasal passages, and excess mucus is produced to help clear out whatever is causing the aggravation. Unfortunately, if this additional mucus is not removed, it will possibly fill up the sinus cavities and cause breathing problems.

Recently, I have been researching and using natural remedies for sinus congestion. I have found a few that work really well and provide relief quickly. The natural methods that I use to soothe my congested sinus passages are below:

* Saline solution for the nostrils – The saline solution I use (that came from my mama years ago) is very basic: salt mixed in warm water and dripped into the nasal passages. It helps to rinse out the nostrils and clear out whatever was causing the aggravation. There are also some great saline nasal sprays on the market that do the same thing.

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* Steam – Moisture is good for the sinuses and nasal passages, and inhaling steam is a quick way to get this moisture to where it is most needed. Taking a warm shower or inhaling the steam from boiling water alleviates the congestion in the nasal passages.

* Apple cider vinegar tea – One morning a couple of months ago, I woke up and literally could not breathe. I had no medicines to take and I needed some relief really quickly. I found a recipe online for apple cider vinegar tea: one tablespoon apple cider vinegar stirred into a mug of very hot water. The taste was harsh, but the tea opened my sinuses up immediately. Who knew? Now I use this remedy often.

* Warm compress on the face – Taking a warm washcloth and laying it over the sinus area feels amazing and it helps to relieve the possible swelling. I normally use a warm, dry washcloth that I heat in the oven or in the microwave. However, a warm, wet washcloth would work as well.

* Humidifier – When I was younger, my mama kept a humidifier in my room to help me to breathe. It kept my the nasal passages moist and kept the mucus level low. Plus, any issues in my sinuses were washed out.

* Tomato tea – I am not a big fan of tomato juice, but I had some left over from a recipe and tried this remedy. Mix 1 cup tomato juice, 1 teaspoon chopped garlic, 1/2 teaspoon hot sauce, 1 teaspoon lemon juice, and a bit of celery salt. Heat it for 1 1/2 minutes in the microwave. I think it was the hot sauce that hit me first, but it did open my nasal passages.

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Try natural remedies for clearing up sinus congestion. It saves money and is much healthier for the body than any medication on the shelf.

