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Rescuing Stray Cats and Kittens: Everything You Should Know Before Bringing Kitty Home

Getting Rid of Fleas, Kitten Care, Stray Cats

Many cities and towns in America are suffering from feral cat overpopulation. In other words there are too many stray cats. If you have the heart to rescue a stray cat or kitten there are several things you should learn first. Here are several tips that will help you take care of strays to make sure they are healthy.

The first thing you have to do before you can take care of a stray is to catch it. The easiest way to catch a stray cat is to use food as a lure. Cats prefer moist, smelly, soft food; so this is the best kind to use. Most likely they will eat anything but you have a better chance of catching them with something they love. To catch cats and kittens you can use a standard no-kill trap. These can often be purchased or borrowed from local humane societies, pet stores, or animal shelters. If you prefer, you can just use a pillow case to catch the strays by hand.

First, put the food in a dish inside the cage, or an area where it is easy to catch the cats. I have learned from experience most stray cats are very friendly because they are hungry. This is not always the case with male cats as they tend to be more aggressive and shy. If you are using a no-kill trap, once the cat enters the door will close and they will be trapped. If you intend to catch a cat by hand be prepared. Wear long sleeves in case of scratches and have the pillow case open and ready when picking up the cat. Sometimes it is better to put the pillow case over the head of the cat so that he/she cannot see. This makes it easier to catch them. Once you have them secured put their body into the pillow case so they cannot scratch with their paws.

I usually carry a box or something with tall sides in the car to place the stray cats in. I would also carry a water bowl, food dish, a blanket, kitten formula, and some water. If you find a nest of kittens it is best to take them. See if you can find the mother. Usually she is not far away and you can tell by looking at her nipples. If she is shy about coming to you use food as a lure. It is extremely important to make sure the mother stays with the kittens, especially if they are young; they need her. If you cannot find the mother, don’t fret, sometimes they abandon their young.

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The first thing you should do when you get the kittens or cat home is give them a bath. I wouldn’t recommend bathing kittens that are younger than a month and are with the mother. At this stage the mother will take care of cleaning the babies. Draw a bath in the sink using lukewarm water and place a washcloth in the bottom of the sink. Cats like to be able to feel what they are standing on and don’t like slippery surfaces. Most stray cats are subdued enough when you first get them home to wash them up and make sure they are clean; they are nervous about their surroundings and unsure of what is happening.

Once the cat is bathed dry it thoroughly with a towel. If the cat or kitten is cold use a warm blow dryer for a minute or two. Next you should clean out the ears. Most stray cats tend to have ear mites at first, but they are easily taken care of. Make sure you have a bottle of ear mite drops for cats, you will need it. Take a cotton swab and moisten it with the drops. Swab the inside of the ear being careful not to go too deeply. If you see black gunk on the cotton swab it means the cat has ear mites. Repeat as many times as necessary on both ears. When the cleaning is finished, use the product as according to its label. Usually it’s 3-4 drops in each ear. The cat will shake its ears so be prepared with a towel to keep the mess from flying everywhere.

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Next, you should trim the cat’s nails. No doubt they are long since they have been outdoors. When trimming the nails you only have to cut off the tip. If you look at the fingernail you can see where the wick starts and stops. Cut it just after it stops. If you cut the nails too short they will bleed and cause the cat pain and possibly infection. It is always handy to have some quick-stop on hand when trimming nails in case of an accident.

If the cat has fleas it is best to use a dropper instead of a traditional flea collar. Sometimes stray cats chew at the collar because they are not used to wearing anything around their neck, and for kittens it is just too big. The drops are a much safer method of getting rid of fleas.

If you have other pets it is best not to let them mingle or play together for at least 10-14 days. The stray cat may have diseases, viruses, worms, or other problems that can be passed to your other pets and make them sick. Follow your vets recommendations for keeping your pets separated. Separating the pets will also help stop a lot of fights before they start.

When bringing home a stray animal you must go to the vet for an initial checkup. Bring a fecal sample with you because they will want to test it for worms. The cat should also be checked for abnormalities and diseases like feline AIDS and Leukemia. If it is determined the cat has either AIDS or Leukemia they will not have long to live. At this point it is best to make sure they are comfortable before their death.

If you intend to keep your new feline friend you should know that socializing him/her with your other pets may take several weeks. Expect your other pets to be a little bit stressed out, tired, or subdued during this time. This is normal; it is hard for them to share what they think is theirs alone. At first let them see each other from the opposite side of a door. If the reaction is good, keep going. If it is bad, your pets are not ready to deal with each other yet. As time progresses they will get more comfortable with each other and you will be able to supervise play.

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It may take longer to socialize a kitten with your other pets. Size is the number one factor that makes this a problem. Until they get bigger they will be picked on by your larger pets, even if it’s another cat. If you don’t intend to keep the stray cat or kittens, you can put them up for adoption. Always take references and check them before handing over a kitten or cat to anyone. If you are having trouble getting the cat adopted you can call your local humane society for assistance. I always make sure wherever I take animals is a no-kill participator.

Now you should be equipped with plenty of knowledge to begin rescues of your own. Just be reasonable and don’t take on more than you can handle. When you rescue a cat, you’re their everything so do your best to give them everything you can. Good luck!

For more information and resources you can contact The Animal Human Society of the United States at (202) 452-1100 or online at http://www.hsus.org or you can contact the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals at 1-800-628-0028 or online at http://www.aspca.org